
If you are new to Total Knee Replacement recovery I suggest that you read from the bottom up (starting July 2011). As I get further into recovery it becomes more about the new ME rather than the new KNEE! I hope you enjoy this blog and I welcome all your comments!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


I had my teeth cleaned this morning - I have the same hygienist for over 10 years, so we tend to chat personal stuff when I come in for my appointment.  Anyway, she was asking me how my knee is going, and I told her that for 8 months out, I'm a little disappointed, but I know I still have to be patient.  Well... she told me about someone who works there who had her knee done in June, and has not been happy at all so she went to another doctor and that doctor said that in his opinion, the implant that was put in is too big.  I'm not even going there....  I had a top-notch doctor in the world's top orthopedic hospital do my surgery so I'm not going to second-guess anything.  I think you can go down a very slippery - and unhappy - slope when you do something like that.  Besides, all she found out was that if she wants a smaller implant she has to do the surgery all over again.  I can't imagine going through that again - for no guaranteed results.  Besides, I think MY implant is just fine -

So a recap - I am not in any pain!  My endurance being on my feet is great, although after too long ("too long" defined as maybe more than an hour) I can feel a little swelling.  Everyday when I use my bike it takes me at least 5 minutes before I can go around without saying "ouch" at every revolution.  My doctor had told me that repetitive movement like the bike riding breaks up the swelling and moves things along.  I will just be happy when I can get on the bike and immediately not feel uncomfortable. I still do feel pain during the night, and I still do have the "scraped" feeling under the skin.   In case I have any doubts I think back to the pain I was in - where I couldn't be on my feet 10 minutes, let alone an hour.  My belly dance classes begin next week and my goal is to be able to do the full 12-minute drill with them.  I was able to do about half of it when classes broke for Christmas.

Weight-wise... stayed the same last week.  I actually have an appointment with an endocrinologist in February.  I have a few problems (among them slow-to-no weight loss no matter what I do) that normally would indicate thyroid problems, but my thyroid is fine.  It might be a hormone problem or a mis-functioning gland somewhere.  I am sure it's nothing serious, but hopefully if he can get to the bottom of other things that are happening, he can get to the bottom of why weight loss is NOT happening. 

I have lost 4 pounds in 4 weeks, which is nothing to sneeze at, since the party line is that a safe loss is anywhere between 1/2 and 2 pounds a week.  However, it's just part and parcel of other things going on.  We shall see.....

Back to the knee, though - I had written about my Frankenstein walk.  This week I am starting to train myself to do glamor walking.  That is, head up, leading with the chest, feet barely skimming the ground.  I even put a sway in my hips today, which I don't normally do, but I'm trying to get a feminine stride going instead of walking like a Sumo wrestler.

Okay - back to work!  Have a great day everyone!

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