
If you are new to Total Knee Replacement recovery I suggest that you read from the bottom up (starting July 2011). As I get further into recovery it becomes more about the new ME rather than the new KNEE! I hope you enjoy this blog and I welcome all your comments!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Day 3 of 100: DO IT ANYWAY

So - after much redirection and recalculating (and a decision NOT to prepare anything) I had a nice lunch with my mother and siblings.  I landed up getting a Trader Joe's hommos wrap with a bag of Weight Watchers baked multigrain crackers, and TJ's peach salsa and carrots.  I bought some TJ's lemon squares, quite impressed by their 80 calorie count, but when I opened the box and found that were about 3/4" square I decided they were definitely not worth the cost - except now I have 2 unaccounted for points left over.  I'm sure I'll find something!  AND, I don't even feel the need to continue eating (which I usually do after these lunches).  I think it is because I was in control of my lunch.

So today's "lesson" is "DO IT ANYWAY" - Linda gave two lists of characteristics: one for people who are "interested" and one for people who are "committed."  The list of the committed actions list was:  "Stick to their plans no matter what; Take action whether they feel like doing it or not; Assume that if they stay motivated results will follow; Take responsibility for their own actions; and Keep going in spite of challenges and setbacks. 

She asks you to identify a task you don't feel like doing, and do it anyway.  I think for myself it's using my bike DAILY, and drinking more water.  I NEVER feel like doing either of those things.  But on my path to "do it anyway" I will.  And, as I said in an earlier entry... I can certainly do it just for today.  I am not going to worry about tomorrow ... or the rest of my life.  She also says: "Notice how it feels to accomplish a goal by taking a "no matter what" approach to it.  I can identify with that immediately just with how I felt after lunch today.  It would have been easy to join in (OMG - my brother put out such a spread!) and to say that I didn't feel like eating the lunch I brought for myself.  But I brought a lovely lunch, and I had it and enjoyed it, and didn't even look at the other possibilities on the table.  And I DO feel good! 

Tomorrow I am going wedding gown shopping with my daughter!  Her wedding is going to be in Tuscany in September.  I'm not going to have a typical "mother of the bride" dress - I figure if I am down at least 20 pounds I should be able to find something lovely at Macy's - or even TJMaxx or Marshalls. (Did I already write that in another post?  sorry!)  Everyone is asking me if I've started shopping for a dress yet.  Even if I wasn't on a diet I would not be shopping in January for a dress I'm wearing in September! -- But I bet I'll be mighty happy to be doing my shopping in July or August -- especially if I stick to a "DO IT ANYWAY" way of life!

Happy day!


  1. Thank you for sharing both your story and the book. I have since downloaded it...I believe I am 1 day behind you. It scares me when I read a chapter and find....ooh, that is so me! Time to recognize it and tweak it for success.

    Have fun shopping.......you will be stunning!

  2. Hi Miriam
    Thank you for this blog. I am ready to commit for 100 days. Thanks for setting me on the right track. Hugs.
