
If you are new to Total Knee Replacement recovery I suggest that you read from the bottom up (starting July 2011). As I get further into recovery it becomes more about the new ME rather than the new KNEE! I hope you enjoy this blog and I welcome all your comments!

Monday, January 2, 2012

First blog of the new year!

Hello everyone - Happy New Year!  I think my resolution this year is to not make any resolution other than do my best everyday to move towards health, and let the chips fall where they may.  (I never believed in weight loss goals - I figure if you eat healthy - and that includes portion control! - that your weight would come off at the rate it is meant to.)  So, as I mentioned in another blog way back - my new venture is to concentrate on the NEW ME part of this adventure.

I have done a lot of soul searching, and looking at the way I eat, the way I prefer to eat, and what fits into my lifestyle.  I like whole, wholesome foods, which is why Core/South Beach are so comfortable for me.  HOWEVER, in my many months since I declared my allegiance to that way of eating, I realized that I cannot do the basic tenet of each "diet" which is - if you eat that way you don't have to track, count, weigh, measure, etc.  Of course, also it assumes that you eat only when hungry and stop as soon as you are satisfied.  I actually didn't have too much problem with that... but I found I had two problems:  (1) either I didn't WANT to stop; or (2) I didn't eat enough and was constantly hungry.  So, alas... I have turned back to Weight Watchers.  And, not only that, I am doing the new Points Plus 2012 program.  I've given up my kicking and screaming, and figured - it is what it is - that's what is on eTools and since I enjoy using eTools then I will do it.  I will embrace it.  I actually went back to WW several weeks ago when the new program was rolled out and I am fine with it (I've lost 4 pounds in three weeks - I am a very slow loser, but I'll take it!).  I don't know why I wasn't fine with it when it came out in 2010.  I know it's all a mindset - maybe having had my surgery (and when the program was rolled out in 2010 a knee replacement wasn't even on the menu!) I have started to look at, and approach, things differently. You think? DUH

So anyway - here I am working on the NEW ME.  Although I don't do resolutions, I do have daily goals.  (Hmm... maybe I do have a resolution and its to stick to my daily goals?).  I want to use my stationary bike at least once a day for 20 minutes.  I think if I aim for 20 minutes, and not 30, that 10 minutes less makes a big difference in how my knee feels the next day, enabling me to do it daily.  I also have a daily goal of drinking 48 ounces of water every day.  I find that if I do those two things my eating is more in control.  The water and bike set the table for the rest of the day. I would love to do 20 minutes twice a day, but let's not push it!

Babs - thank you for your heartfelt comment on my previous blog.  I really do wish you the healthiest path through 2012.  I bet you can put off (or totally eliminate the need for) a knee replacement.  Wouldn't that be great?

Again - happy new year, and may you all find HEALTH in the coming year.


1 comment:

  1. Miriam, I'm sorry - I tried to edit my comment on your last entry (the one after this one) and ended up commenting twice - so had to delete one.

    What I wanted to add is I'm also doing WW online - the e-tools make it so easy! The recent changes that have been made with the # of points adjusted, etc, will probably make the new program more successful. I experienced success on WW in the past and hope to do so again. In fact, here's hoping we both find success with it! : )
