
If you are new to Total Knee Replacement recovery I suggest that you read from the bottom up (starting July 2011). As I get further into recovery it becomes more about the new ME rather than the new KNEE! I hope you enjoy this blog and I welcome all your comments!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Actions behind words

I read something today (Author Unknown): "You cannot plow a field by turning it over in your mind."  HOW GOOD IS THAT????  This morning I was thinking about going on the bike.  Thinking about yesterday got me nowhere.  So - still in my nightgown - but with my shoes on - I rode my bike for the requisite 20 minutes.  Granted I wasn't huffing and puffing and NO WAY it earned 2 PP+... but I did it, marked it down in my activity journal, and then got dressed and started the rest of my day!

How often do we THINK about dieting, exercising, or anything...  Sometimes those thought materialize into action: I mean - you HAVE to think about something in order to do it, or set your ducks in a row in order to do something.  But my person experience is that more often the thoughts just fizzle out before they become actions. 

However, THIS time I'm starting to take action.  I did get myself into a WW meeting, but more importantly, I am doing what I need to do for success: weigh, measure, TRACK, move, etc.  I still have thought behind it (what should I eat -> cook -> prepare -> shop) - you can't have action without thought.  The trick is to not just sit around ONLY thinking. 




  1. So true, Miriam! Sometimes we spend way TOO much time planning our "program" and not enough time DOING the program! I have been THINKING of walking every single day this week....and so far only got in two days of DOING.

    You asked a very good question yesterday regarding "who gets the baby Jesus" - and my husband it the one who got it this year! Oh, well...guess we're "it" for the next party!

    Gotta plow that field - it's the only way I'm going to have a productive year!!

  2. DH and I got in a great bike ride today. I almost put it off but so glad I didn't.
