
If you are new to Total Knee Replacement recovery I suggest that you read from the bottom up (starting July 2011). As I get further into recovery it becomes more about the new ME rather than the new KNEE! I hope you enjoy this blog and I welcome all your comments!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

The Revenge of Frankenstein

Probably last posting of the year... and boy has this year been quite a ride!  Let me start by thanking all of you for your comments and support.  I hope that this blog has been of some little help if you either have had a replacement yourself, are scheduled one, or are trying to avoid one!

So why "The Revenge of Frankenstein"?  When I get up from a chair and start to walk I feel like I am doing a darn good (but not on purpose) imitation of Frankenstein.  Lots of times I am walking near to normal - no limp, no listing to one side, no hesitation.  But, every once in a while, I do feel that if my skin were green and I had some bolts coming out of my neck you would do a double-take, thinking you were for sure seeing Frankenstein himself, walking down the street!  I can only be hopeful that my "steinish" walk will also improve as the months go by. 

In terms of discomfort - I still have that feeling that I have a bad scrape on my knee.  My guess is that I keep tearing tissue under the skin.  I am on the fence about calling the doctor - my guess is that, even if that's it, there's nothing I can do about it - he certainly won't want me to keep my knee still - that would have even worse results.  Meanwhile I've started using the stationary bike but not every day.  I think that's too much right now. 

So anyway, I want to wish you all a healthy, happy New Year - and my advice: TAKE CARE OF YOUR KNEES!!!!!!!   If taking off weight or strengthening your leg muscles will help avoid or put off a knee replacement, make that your ABSOLUTELY MOST IMPORTANT resolution this year!


Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Am I dreaming?

Well it might be because what I noticed was in the wee hours of the night.  My knee isn't stiff when it's been bent and I have to straighten it --- and it's not stiff when it's been straight and I have to bend it.  I'm telling you... little things are so big!

Also - on the diet front I just want to share my "ah-ha" moment.  I was in the kitchen in the evening, and not even hungry - just "looking" - y'all know what I mean.  I had something in my hand and I put it down.  I said to myself - "Every decision I make has a consequence."    It wasn't just the consequence on the scale - because that is fleeting.  The deeper consequence was that, given my tendencies, I know that if I had the one thing, it would have lead to eating everything "not nailed down" in the kitchen.  Then I would have felt bad about myself.  Then I would have had to "start over" AGAIN.  I'm sick of starting over. 

However, having said that - wishing you a healthy, prosperous new year - where all your start overs are perfect!


p.s. Sandy - I hope you enjoyed your trip to Disney.  Didn't I tell you the old-lady scooter would save you???

Friday, December 16, 2011

I may have turned a corner :)

Finally!  I can say that I have moved two steps forward and no steps back!  In terms of turning a corner, not a sharp right, not even a right fork... more like a very slight bearing to the right - but I'll take it.

I've noticed it as I've been taking the steps at my office up AND down, step-over-step.  Going down I have to hold on both sides (one side a railing and one side a wall).  I cannot do it if I don't have an anchor on both sides.  Going up I can hold on to just one side, and once in a while I try to do it with a "look Ma - no hands" sort of glee.  I think that as the stair-stepping gets better other things are as well.  Probably because I am getting stronger more than anything else. 

My endurance on my feet is better too.  I find that I can go grocery shopping and not be holding on to the cart for dear life by the time I make it to the check-out line.  I still do feel the swelling but it's not as massive and depressing as it had been.  What hasn't lifted at all is the numbness alongside the knee and part way down the leg.  Also, I still do look quizzically  at my knee, as it often feels as if it's been scraped, but the skin is just fine - the scrape is on the inside... weird...

I've been doing well with my dieting, and I'm hopeful that each ounce of weight loss will transfer to some relief to my knees.

Anyway - all is well, and things are looking up.  I have started taking Arthritis-Strength Tylenol since I can't take any NSAIDs.  So far so good - I think that has a bit to do with why I feel better as well.  So I'm almost at the 7-month mark, and finally feeling a little bit better about my decision to do the surgery.  I can't wait till I hit the 12-month or 18-month mark - I'm hopeful!


Monday, December 5, 2011

Just my luck

I've recently been told by the doctor that I have to stay off NSAIDs (Advil, Aleve, Motrin, etc.).  I got my blood tests back from last week and I have low kidney function (thank heavens only a few numbers off from normal, so it very well be MY normal) - but he suspects it might be from the anti-inflammatories I've been living on since about 2003, and especially since I started them after my surgery.  The first few days were hard - especially since I had gone walking (only a mile ... but still...). 

I realized with the walking that even every other day is too much.  If I go walking once or twice a week it's all I can handle now.  I have been going up and down steps, though, step-over-step.  Not more than a flight at a time, but still I'm happy with that.  (And holding on, on both sides.)  And, I've been using my recumbent bike more often.  So, little by VERY little... at least I'm moving.

Diet-wise, I'm doing well.  With being on South Beach recently, I've been making the shift back to "clean eating" - I am finding that I just cannot follow RULES.  Suggestions, yes.  Guidelines, yes.  Rules - NO.  So I'm making my own... but within reason! lol Also, I've come to the decision that counting is counting - some days I do points, some days I do calories, some days I do food groups (just as a system of checks and balances).  I find that if I use any of these counting methods just to make sure I'm eating within a health range (not too much, not too little) I do well with my overall choices and portion decisions. 

I think that any diet works if you follow it.  What drives my choices is health, not diet rules.  I think rules are good - to a point.  Then you get someone like me who GAINS weight on a diet, and you know that I'm a fighter... lol  Not making an excuse not to diet - I actually AM, I'm just taking the best of everything and fashioning what is good for me.  A little WW, a little SB, a little ECD, etc. 

I guess I do have a few rules:
(2) NORMAL portions
(3) If it ain't hunger, food isn't gonna fix it
(4) Stop at two bites if my only need is to "have just a taste"

I can live with those!