
If you are new to Total Knee Replacement recovery I suggest that you read from the bottom up (starting July 2011). As I get further into recovery it becomes more about the new ME rather than the new KNEE! I hope you enjoy this blog and I welcome all your comments!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Finally! A no-drama day

And boy was it nice!  We lost power in the storm Saturday night - but were one of the lucky ones - still thousands of homes in the area still without.  In the morning we made plans to spend the day at my brother's house but when our power came back on at 11AM we decided to stay close to home... there were 3 or 4 football games piggybacking on one another and my husband preferred not to spend an hour on the road getting home between them (or staying until 9 or 10PM until they were over).  Fine by me!

I was actually dressed and ready to bolt (I always go out on Sunday afternoons during football), but every time I gathered my keys and my purse and went to the head of the stairs I just went back into bed.  This happened 4 or 5 times until I finally just took my shoes off and called it a day.  I realized that I DESERVED to stay home and rest and do NOTHING.  I did make a huge pot of 15-bean soup, but all my grocery shopping had been done for the week, and my husband was going out to get dinner and make it besides (we had swordfish, fingerling potatoes, string beans and salad).

I felt that I should be doing something - like planning the week's meals, cleaning, laundry,read,  something! I did change the kitty litter - but even my husband went out and got it for me because I didn't get it on Saturday.  Anyway, I spent the day in bed watching a SVU marathon.  I still can't believe that's all I did.  Not only was there no family drama with regard to anything, but there were no obligations to be met (well besides changing the poor thing's kitty litter) or things to do.  Believe me - it wasn't boring at all - it was quite delightful, indeed.

I just have one question: I'm a great believer in the "This too shall pass" outlook on life, and I would like to know WHY I get sucked into drama - when there is nothing I can do about it and when I KNOW it will pass.  This time around it passed in record time - maybe 4 days.  WHY do I do that to myself?????

I was going to go to the gym to use the hot tub today for my stretching, but I have a small compartmental swelling that was bothering me this morning (that's probably the last thing to go away) - I figured I needed ice and not a soak in 100+ degree water.  I'm starting to wonder whether - although it feels GREAT - if it would be better to nix the hot tub soaks/stretches... I wonder if that is hampering or helping.  Can you believe I am STILL trying to figure things out????

Breakfast:  WW bagel and 2 wedges LC cheese.  I changed up the sliced tomatoes though, and sprinkled on zatar (a middle eastern spice) and put fresh cucumbers;  coffee (6)
Lunch:  Ham sandwich on WW rye bread with salad/olive oil; popcorn (7)
Snack: apple, string cheese, almonds (4)

Dinner: steamed veggies (I have a "medley" of carrots, broccoli and string beans that I"ll steam)
chicken Parmesan: Baked chicken cutlet (4) with 1/2 cup sauce (1) and Parmesan cheese (1)
Snack:  Greek yogurt, 1/2 banana, 1 tbs walnuts (3)
Total" 26 - 1 over but that's okay by me :)

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Meanderings at the Deli Counter

Thought I could take a break from tremendously deep thinking (oh - don't worry - you'll get my thoughts "Joy Rising" Oprah class - maybe tomorrow!) but couldn't escape doing SOME thinking as you will see.

So I go to the grocery store after my class this morning (someone had asked what class I take - I don't take a class, I actually teach belly dancing... and in today's advanced class we were talking about confidence... and something very poignant came up and I was thinking "WWOS"  - what would Oprah say?  lol  -- I dug deep and found the words and my student had an "aha moment" which brought her to tears.  Very moving, indeed).  ...

I digress... back to the supermarket.  So - there are huge crowds (which only happen before hurricanes, snowstorms and Thanksgiving - so when I went home I checked weather.com and indeed, there is a snow storm coming) and it took SO long for my number to come up at the deli. I went to get 1 lb skinless turkey breast and 1 lb Thin and Trim ham. There is SO much time before my turn that I start looking at everything else.  I mentally started adding things to my list.  I was going to get some herring in wine - an absolutely favorite thing of mine - PLUS I had just read yesterday that it's a great choice for Omega-3, and it's low in points.  Then I was thinking about getting pepperoni - after all, tomorrow is a football Sunday so I started running Sunday afternoon football snack recipes in my head - if I get the pepperoni, I can make little pizzas on sliced french bread or pizzas or antipasto or any number of things.  Well, if I'm going to get the pepperoni and I did just buy apples at another store- so why not get Castello cheese (it's like a creamy blue cheese and my husband's favorite) which my husband eats with apples.  Hmm... the coleslaw looks good and now they have an edemame salad too.  But back to the herring... how much should I get.

So this entire conversation, and party menu planning is going on in my head.  My number is up next (I was 67 and it was only in the 40s when I got to the counter).  So I think to myself - that's what I enjoy about WW - you can eat ANYTHING.... you just can't eat it all at the same time.  Nor all you want of everything.  My number was called - I'll have a pound of the turkey breast and a pound of the ham please.  Anything else? No thank you.  And I walked away.  If I don't buy it I won't have it in the house and I won't have to make tough decisions about having this OR that.  And if I limit the choice confusion I do so much better.  Yes, I could have gotten the herring, and even have gotten the pepperoni and figure out all the points for all the dishes I could produce for the football game.  But honestly, my husband is just as happy with a couple of bagels and I am much better with a stable lunch, and I don't need scads of leftovers facing me all week.

It was just a very interesting conversation in my head.  At least I hope it was only in my head.  When my kids point out I'm talking to myself I always say - yes - and it's the best conversation I've had all week!

Breakfast:  Flat out bread (need to get some more), 2 LC cheese, tomatoes  (3)
Lunch:  3 oz chicken, 8 oz potatoes (both leftover from dinner last night), beets, left over green veggies (6)
"Snack":  Dunkin Donuts hot coffee with cream (3)
Dinner: 2 oz (dry) whole wheat pasta with Muir Glen garden vegetable pasta sauce (5)

Salad with 2 tsp olive oil (2)
Snack: banana "ice cream" (frozen banana whipped up like ice cream) with 1 tbs walnuts (3)
3 points left over - not sure how I'll spend them.

Lesson: The best conversations in your head are the ones where you talk yourself out of potentially doing very foolish things.


Friday, October 28, 2011


Okay - so just as I thought I had squelched that negative energy flow into my life it started again this morning.  Do you ever get the feeling that your life is like hanging on a cliff by your fingernails?  That's what it felt like my whole drive in to work this morning.  I just want ONE day without anxiety, anger, sadness, disappointment, and guilt.  I want to live one day BLANK.  I'd settle for not even happiness and satisfaction.  I just want a blank slate.  HOWEVER, I wasn't in physical pain this morning! :)  lol --- Jan - I took Aleve instead of Advil and I don't know whether it's that or cutting out a lot of inflammatory foods (like sugar and dairy), but I'll take it.  Oh why can't I have it all?  No physical pain and no emotional pain. 

But on my drive in, during all this turmoil, I was thinking that my food intake is the ONE thing that I have control over.  I think when there is loss of control in one's life that we have to hang on to any life raft that floats by.  By eating out of control that's just one MORE thing that's out of control.  I'm hanging on to my food plan like a life raft these days.  My "usual" way to handle things was: "Oh heck, everything is upside down, I can't concentrate on my food plan right now, it's not a priority, comfort food isn't called comfort food for no reason."  But my NEW way to look at is, I have been given this life raft to hold on to.  It's the one thing I CAN control, where my decisions DO count, where there IS a reward for holding on."  So to that end, I stopped in a the supermarket and made a salad at the salad bar because I had run out of lettuce this morning.

Breakfast:  Flat-out pita bread (1 at 1 pt) with 2 LC cheese, tomatoes and coffee (5)
Lunch:  Salad with 2 tsp olive oil and vinegar, 2 pitas + 4 oz turkey (8)
            Popcorn (1)
Snack: apple, cheese, almonds  (4)
Dinner:  Brussels sprouts and asparagus (these are appearing so often because I hadn't made them on a couple of nights that I said I would)
            Fingerling potatoes (8 oz for 3 points) (3)
            Protein (don't know whether hubby is getting chicken or fish): (4)
Total:  (25)

Have a great day and .... breathe!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

The flow of energy

Another Oprah Life class moment (sorry - but they are REALLY good):  We are responsible not only for the energy that we give out, but also for what we allow in.  This means that we can't control someone else's energy, but what we can do is decide to let it in or not.  Something happened last night (just before dinner) that was very sad and unhappy, and I thought of that lesson.  Normally I would eat like crazy (not tasting or enjoying anything at all) in order to either digest the energy into my own being, or to set up a block so that I wouldn't.  Instead, I just sat quietly with the energy and thought about how I could get sucked in or let it go.  All during this time I actually had NO appetite (very interesting... I wonder how often I have no appetite in such a situation but eat out of habit anyway) and thought I would go to bed without dinner.  I try not to eat after 7, and imagined that I would not see my next meal until breakfast.

But instead, as I sat quietly with the emotions, and thinking about how I do not have to let the energy of the situation become MY energy, my appetite slowly returned and I enjoyed a nice dinner.  Not what I had set out to eat, but with in the same exact points that I had allowed myself.  Not a bit more or less.

I woke up this morning with a little less of a heavy heart than I went to bed with, and although I am still sad, most of the negative energy has dissipated with no damage to my eating plan.  I realized that I can acknowledge an emotion but I do not have to be enveloped in it (unless I want to - like happiness!).  I had something else that piggybacked on this - disappointment at the scale.  I've changed my weigh-in day from Sunday to Thursday to keep in line with a Thanksgiving challenge.  There was no loss, and I just looked at it, and instead of ditching the diet because, after all, if I haven't lost weight after being so "perfect" then what's the point... (but I remembered yesterday's lesson of not throwing out the baby with the bathwater) so I just planned out my day and went on with breakfast.

I also put my pain in perspective.  My husband happened to be up this morning while I was getting ready for work and he saw me limping and wincing.  He said that he thought the surgery was supposed to stop all that.  But since I wanted to defend my choice to have surgery I broke into the spiel about how it takes 6 months to a year to start to feel normal again.  Then I counted back to my surgery and said it's only been 5 months (this week) since the surgery, and since I had a manipulation one month out, technically, I have to start counting my recovery from that - which would make it only four months since the surgery.  I also pointed out that the pain isn't where the surgery fixed, it's a side-effect of the surgery (general swelling and leg pain) and that the reason my left leg hurts so much is probably because it always hurt me, but I never noticed it because the right knee was so bad - and now that it's better I'm noticing it more.  Once I got done giving the speech to my husband *I* felt better! lol  - put things into a more realistic perspective for me.  Yes, I'm in pain every single day, and I am limited in what I would like to do... but heck... I'm only a third of the way there!

Breakfast:  Same as usual: bagel, LC cheese, tomatoes, coffee (6)
Lunch: 3 oz lite pastrami, 2 slices WW bread, popcorn, salad with oil (7)
Snack: apple, cheese, nuts (4)
Dinner: brussels sprouts, asparagus
           Don't know yet: (6)
Snack:  Ice cream truffle (1)

Have a great, positive energy day!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Wednesday and letting go

Another very valuable lesson from Oprah's Life Class has been the concept of not letting your past define who you are now.  I took that to heart because I realize a lot of my overeating behavior is mainly habit.  I ALWAYS eat like crazy the whole rest of the day because I've had one piece of candy corn at 2 in the afternoon.  Why not? I wasn't perfect so the whole day (then the rest of the week and/or month) is shot.  How much of it is that the one piece of candy (or anything) triggers some physical thing that results in a downfall, and how much of it is habit?  "I've always been this way so this is the way I am now."  The definition of my past self was: I am the person who, if she strays one morsel from a food plan, then, since I allow myself no wiggle room, I have to totally ditch the program until at least the following Monday.  If this happens on a Monday, then oh well - I'll just wait till the first Monday of the next week or month. Mostly month."  So I ate according to my food plan (below) AND I had about 5 candy corns at 2PM.  Hmm... the old me would have stopped for Chinese food on the way home - because... what the heck.... but the new me is going to have exactly what I have planned for dinner!

On the knee front - I am just so uncomfortable.  I called my orthopedist's office today and one of their branches has an entire Eastern Medicine practice: Reiki, massage, acupuncture, Chinese herbs, etc.  I am waiting for a call from the massage therapist.  I've pinpointed that the worst of my left leg pain comes from tightness in the muscles, even though I am doing a really good job of stretching.  I think the discomfort in the operated leg could also benefit from a massage. So, I'm biting the bullet and paying out of pocket for something that I feel I really really need.  Hey - what I'm saving by not buying Chinese food on the way home should pay for it!

Breakfast:    WW bagel, 2 wedges of LC cheese, sliced tomato, coffee (6)
Lunch:         2 1pt whole wheat tortillas with 4 oz turkey breast (6)
                   salad with dressing (2)
Snack:        apple, string cheese, almonds (4)
Dinner:       Asparagus, Brussels sprouts
                  1 can of tuna fish with 1 tbs lite mayo (3)
                  Butternut squash  (2)
Snack:       1/2 banana with Greek Yogurt (2)
Total: 25

Be all that you can be TODAY - not who you were yesterday.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Tuesday - Whispers

Did anyone see Oprah's Life Class last night?  It was on listening to whispers before a pile of bricks needs to fall on you to get your attention.  Although every single one of her classes has produced an "Aha moment" for me this was the one that absolutely hit me on the head.  For weeks my body has been whispering:  "stretch and lose weight."  My ton of bricks was in the form of sending me to the doctor last week because I was afraid that I had a blood clot or that my implant had shifted.  I had been in so much pain and discomfort - not felt since about a month out of surgery.  All this time my body has been whispering:  "Stretch.  Lose weight."  Well, after last night's show I find that today I am fitting in stretches wherever I can.  For instance, when I get up for the bathroom I add a few stretches.  I am more committed than I have ever been to following a weight loss program.  I don't want the next ton of bricks to have the message - "Too late. This is how you will have to live." 

Breakfast:   WW Bagel and 2 wedges of LC cheese with tomato slices (4)
                  1/2 cup of coffee (1)
                  cactus pear (1)
 Lunch:        3 oz turkey, 2 slices WW bread, lettuce  (4)
                   salad w/2 tsp olive oil (2)
                  popcorn (1)
Snack:        Apple,string cheese, and almonds  (4)
Dinner:       Primavera sauce (3)
                 Butternut squash (2) and asparagus
Snack:       Skinny Cow Ice cream cone (3)
          By the way: JAN:  The truffle I've been having is an ice cream (like a whipped fudge bar) not their candy 
Total: (25)

Since I've joined a Thanksgiving challenge my weigh-in day will be Thursdays.  I'm actually looking forward to it!

Have a great day and listen to your whispers!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Monday :)

I like Mondays.  I know most people use the funny icons that signal "Monday...again?" and that sort of thing, but I love them.  I wish I had Mondays off to recover from busy weekends (that's when I do all my household "chores" so I'm tired, not rested, by Sunday night) but I like the new beginnings.  Every day is a new beginning, but Mondays especially.

Breakfast:  WW bagel and 2 wedges of LC cheese (4)
                  Sliced tomatoes
                  Coffee with real cream (2) - coffee wasn't so satisfying this morning - my husband makes it from grinding beans, and sometimes just one bean too many or too little will tip the scales as to whether I like the coffee or not.  Why not make it myself you ask?  I decided, more than 30 years ago that I would never learn to make coffee - at least it's ONE thing that I won't be asked to do.  Sort of falls under the category of your kid asking for puppy and promising to take care of it, but the mother is the one walking it at 4AM on a snowy morning.
Lunch:         3 oz turkey on 2 slices of WW rye bread (4)
                   Salad with 2 tsp oil  (2)
                   Mini-bag of lite microwaved popcorn (1)

Snack:          Apple (1)
                    WW string cheese  (1)  - I just found a smoked flavor - can't wait to try it.

Dinner:          Chicken Primavera sauce with 2 oz (dry measure) whole wheat shells:   (6)
                    1 1/2 cup butternut squash casserole (2)
                    Brussels sprouts, asparagus  (0)
Snack:          Skinny Cow chocolate truffle  (1)  OMG these are SO good

Total:  24 - I should have squeezed in another fruit - since I am writing this in the morning before I've actually eaten, I might make an executive decision to nix the butternut squash because I am having pasta (but OMG - this isn't just plain butternut squash - it's a recipe made with red onions and garam masala) and have another fruit instead. 
I just got an email that my membership to blog-to-lose was accepted!  I'm looking forward to getting to meet people there.  WAVING HELLO!!

Have a great day everyone:

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Shopping excursion

My husband and I took a drive out to see the new Wegman's supermarket - about 20 miles from our house but we wanted to see what the fuss is all about.  Personally, I wouldn't go there again.  It was so overwhelming and I didn't find the prices to be that great.  No only that, all their effort was put into the outside aisles - the fresh deli and meat counters, cheese counters, produce, etc. and I found the inside aisles with regular groceries to be very depressing and dark - just, in general, not a place I would ever shop even if it were in my own neighborhood.  After spending $89, however, we returned home with still nothing for dinner.  Then I went to our usual store, but I was so shopped out nothing appealed to me so the rest of the family is getting either left overs or grilled cheese sandwiches and I will have some lentil soup and maybe a tuna sandwich.... as I work out my points below I'll decide....

Breakfast:  WW bagel + 2 wedges of lite LC cheese   (4)
                 Coffee with 2 TBS cream (2 - and worth every Point!)
                 Tomato slices

Lunch:       6 ounces of chicken   (6)
                 2 large carrots (in desperate need of crunching!)
--- I ate this standing over the sink the minute we walked in from the grocery store.  I couldn't even begin to wrap my head around having an actual meal!  I figured it was smarter to grab some chicken than bread, snacks, or even fruit.  It held me well until dinner so it was a good choice after all.  :) 

Dinner:      4 ounces lean deli ham   (4)
                 4 slices WW rye bread  (2)
                 Sliced tomatoes, lettuce
,               Banana peppers
                Lentil soup  (4)
(Two sandwiches is what happens when no "real" dinner meal is planned.  I'll live.  :)  )

Snacks     2 fruits   (2)
                Skinny Cow chocolate truffle (1)

Total:  25
Best surprise today:  WW bagels are only TWO points on the old program :)

On the knee front:  I used the scooter today at Wegman's.  I never EVER could have walked it - and even at that, I am now resting, iced and elevated.  I really am so set back in my recovery I think sometimes (when I'm in a pity party mode) that I shall never catch up and be well.  I am just praying that a weight loss will make things better for me.


Saturday, October 22, 2011

Incorporating : samidasweightlossjourney.blogspot.com

As it says in my header above, now that I am moving further out from my surgery and starting to really morph into the "NEW ME" portion of this blog I want to start addressing my weight loss issues.  I tried to access my old blog to do it: blog here  The entire archive is there but for some reason I cannot access it to update it - only this blog shows on my dashboard.  So, instead of starting yet ANOTHER blog I think I shall merge the two here.  I will still have plenty of news on my new knee, but I have to seriously get to work on the new me part of it!

I've been talking a lot about cycling through various weight loss programs.  My daughter wanted me to sign up on South Beach with her (which I did with a Groupon coupon) and I am happy to provide her the support (we talk about recipes, points of the program, etc.) but I am currently doing the Weight Watchers "Turn Around" program.  It is the one just before Momentum.  The points are all the same but the difference is that Turn Around called their alternative program "Core" and Momentum called it "Simply Filling" and also introduced the concept of set points, which disappeared with the Points Plus program.  The only reason I chose Turn Around over Momentum is that I like the Turn Around materials much better.  But really, as long as I do Points it doesn't matter which one I say I am following.  However, the alternative programs: Core vs. Simply Filling, do have differences so I would have to choose one or the other if I was doing the program other than Points.  Actually Points Plus was the only major change since Points were first introduced.  "1,2,3," "Winning Points," "Turn Around," "Momentum" - all the same except between a couple of them couscous (and maybe one or two other starches) were changed from 2 Points a cup to 3 Points a cup.  Can you tell I've done them ALL???????????  I also have several sets of starting materials for each of them, and about 2 dozen points calculators - paper and electronic!

I understand WW's feeling that people were eating too many empty snacks and by changing their formula they would change the way people approach carbohydrates.  But I was not one of those people.  I always felt comfortable on South Beach (but eventually abandoned it because I did want more variety and more freedom) because I am a very avid complex carbohydrate fan.  I didn't appreciate that my favorite WW wheat berry casserole went from five points to nine, or that my barley soup was now 5 points instead of 2.  Granted you get more points, fruits are free, yada yada....  but I don't like being forced to use up all those extra points on things that are actually healthy choices.  So, I'm comfortable with the older programs, and that's why I picked one of them. 

So at this point in my knee recovery, I am certain about this: My extra weight is hampering my comfort and progress.  If you have been reading my most recent blog entries you know that I have been facing some setbacks.  But other than what I did to myself (by doing too much too soon) the other element in my discomfort and lagging recovery is my weight.  I don't know this for certain - and I don't have a HUGE amount to lose, but I know that it is a struggle to move my body.  Part of it is that my legs/knees won't support me, but built into that is that too much weight is hampering that support, along with the structural difficulties. 

I am going to take one day, one meal at a time.  I am not even going to look at the bigger picture and future payoffs.  Right now it is so that I feel better tomorrow than I do today.

Today I did not fight with myself.  The meals and decisions about meals came easily.  I have a fruit left for later, a well as an extra point if I need it for something.  I am going to try to make this blog a daily food diary as well as a journal on what I feel about the dieting process and the progress on my knee.  It will be very interesting to see if a weight loss truly does improve my knees!

Breakfast:  WW bagel   (3)
                 2 Laughing Cow lite cheese wedges (2)
                 sliced tomatoes
Lunch:       HUGE salad with 2 tsp olive oil and vinegar (2)
                 4 ounces grilled swordfish  (4)
Snack:       Lentil Soup  (4)
Dinner:      Whole Wheat shells (2 oz)   (3)
                 Tomato primavera sauce with ground chicken  (3)  (This is the old WW Turkey Eggplant Casserole recipe without the breadcrumbs!)
                 2 TBS  Parmesan Cheese  (1)
Fruit:         1 apple, 1 cup grapes  (2)

Total: 24 out of 25

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Legs aren't the only things I need for exercising....

I'm going to the gym first thing on Monday (if not tomorrow) to use the hand cycle (although I have one at home and could use that!) and to work on the Nautilus equipment for upper body.


Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Boy it's getting old.....

Just got back from the hospital which started as a visit to the doctor this afternoon. The pain in  my knee was keeping me up and really - it was luck going back to square one.  Then last night a throbbing started in my thigh - and although I had no other signs of a blood clot I still had concerns.  At first an x-ray was done to make sure that the implant is right where it should be (and it is) , then the exam - where I was told that where the swelling and pain is, is "natural" and that overall my knee looks good.  But, the doctor did want to rule out a blood clot so sent me to the hospital for an ultrasound - and that turned out okay too.

So - rest, ice, elevate, stay on a strict schedule of Advil (3 pills, 3 times a day, whether or not I think I need it - just like at the beginning - I need to stay ahead of the pain - especially so that I can sleep).  Cut back on the stretching (still do it but don't be overzealous) and cut OUT official exercising.  It could be that the water jogging was the culprit in all of this.

Although it seems "gentle" because you are "only" in water and your feet don't have any impact to the floor, it is nonetheless extremely strenuous.  I have to concur - that's when it started.  One morning when I was particularly enjoying myself I pushed it to the next level (in intensity) and could feel that something was wrong with my patella (kneecap) and so I scaled back immediately... but the damage was done.  That's probably where the "pinch" occurred that the doctor though happened, causing bleeding, and hence swelling, in the knee.

So right now my game plan is to do NOTHING but stretches and my old home PT plan - leg lifts, squats, extensions - once a day.  I see the doctor again right before Thanksgiving, and if everything is okay I hope he gives me the go-ahead to get back on track with regular exercise.  (OMG - did I ever in my LIFE think I would WANT to get back to regular exercise?????)

So anyway - this was a severe and true wake-up call with regard to my weight.  Skinny people have bad knees too, but I can't help thinking that things would be so much easier for me if I was "carrying" less weight.  It is so difficult for me to move my body.  I'm not talking about the physical disability for taking stairs or walking - that is knee related. I'm talking about body mass and moving IT up and down stairs and across the floor.  I feel like I am lugging bags and bags of groceries or heavy suitcases - but lo and behold - it is JUST my body that I am moving.  Sad thing is I'm not talking about a monumental weight loss here.  25-30 pounds would be just fine.  But imagine carrying around 30 pounds of groceries all day long.... doesn't sound so little does it? lol

But therein lies my dilemma - when I am exercising I generally do well with my eating plan.  It will just be a little more difficult to stay focused on the food while not being able to move my body in a healthy way.  Excuses.... excuses...  when I did WW years ago I lost my first 25 pounds without so much as walking any more than from my house to the car!  I know weight loss can be done without exercise...  I'm not going to talk myself into looking for a problem where there really isn't any. 

Sigh...  I had come so far only to go back so far....  it really is getting old....


Friday, October 14, 2011

Word from the Doctor

This past week or so I have been "suffering" in a way that I haven't since my first month out of surgery.  It's gotten to the point where I had started using my cane again.  I think a lot of it has to do with the damp weather - there IS actually something called a baroreceptor: (from Wikipedia):

Baroreceptors (or baroceptors) are sensors located in the blood vessels of several mammals. They are a type of mechanoreceptor  that detects the pressure of blood flowing through them, and can send messages to the central nervous system  to increase or decrease total peripheral resistance and cardiac output.   blah blah blah but the end result is that some of us (ME) are very sensitive to drops in barometric pressure - usually occurring where there is loss of cartilage and other "upsets" in healthy tissues.  WHOODA THUNK?????  So when people say they feel rain coming on they ain't kidding!

Okay so back to my story - baroreceptors notwithstanding, I still started to get very worried - as I said in my last post, the swelling is awful and I'm starting to have pain that no Aleve or Advil will relieve.

So, I told all that to the doctor and he said that I may have pinched something that caused bleeding into the knee and to STOP all extra activity (walking, aqua jogging, swimming, etc.) except for stretching and to lay off everything for 2-3 weeks.  He also said that since I am not getting any relief from the Advil or Aleve, to not bother taking it, as that opens a whole other set of problems.  I still have a supply of Vicodin, and if it's been a particularly bad day I can take one at bedtime and one during the night.

Not quite back to square one, but a setback for sure - I think emotionally more than anything.  Like I said in an earlier post, I feel I'm back to juggling - how much is too much? What is just right to put me on the brink of where I need to be?  What's not nearly enough so I shouldn't even bother?  The doctor said that when I was starting to walk 1 1/2 miles, that maybe 1 mile a little longer would have been better.  Where is that extra one step that makes it "too" much?  But I felt FINE at 1 mile - there was no reason NOT to push just a little further....

Those of you who may have a TKR in your future - make sure to take a class in juggling as part of your prep!

Meanwhile I have a belly dance class to teach in the morning.  But I swear - I'm not getting out of my nightgown on Sunday!


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Twenty Weeks and Counting

Thank you all who commented on my last post - and Sandy, thank you for sharing your experience and giving me some advice. I've had sort of a hit-or-miss couple of weeks.  My whole leg was in too much pain for my liking - but it was on the heels of aqua jogging and outdoor walking - maybe I am doing too much.  This past weekend had me up and about because my daughter's engagement party was Sunday (thank you thank you!) and I had so much shopping and preparing to do, running to and from stores, etc. 

At the party was my daughter's best friend who is the physical therapist and I told her about the pain and the swelling and she said to go ahead and call the doctor and move the appointment up a month.  However, when she took a look she said the swelling didn't look "that bad" so maybe I'll just wait.  I tried to take it easy today and am feeling better, but noticed when I am on my feet more than 15 or 20 minutes I can feel the swelling immediately and it becomes uncomfortable.  ENOUGH ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't know whether looking at my recovery in terms of weeks makes it seem shorter or longer.  Which sounds longer or shorter: 20 weeks or 5 months.  FIVE MONTHS??? OMG - yesterday was only 4 months.  Anyway what my daughter's friend did suggest is that I not do any vigorous exercise until I do see the doctor.  That doesn't mean I'm off the hook - just maybe aqua jogging for 40 minutes might be out of the question... perhaps 20 will do...  or maybe cut back to a mile instead of 1 1/2 miles for the walking. 

This reminds me of my early journal entries where I was trying to figure out medication.  How much was just enough to stay ahead of the pain... but how would I really know what the right amount would be if I didn't experiment just once taking less and seeing if I landed up in pain.  But by then it was too late and I couldn't catch up to being pain-free again.  This whole recovery is such a juggling act!  

I'm so glad that I understood going in that the recovery would be a full year - if I'm lucky.  It's just that the reality of it is such a different matter.

My husband and son have come home safely from Lebanon (they arrived Friday night), and my father-in-law is doing well.  There was no permanent damage from the stroke but he's very tired from all the medication he's on and just the general tiredness from what his body went through.  So between their safe arrival on Friday and my daughter's joyous engagement party on Sunday and a weekend spent with our best friends from Brooklyn, I can say the cloud has been lifted even though it's not all peachy.

Thanks again for all your well wishes.