
If you are new to Total Knee Replacement recovery I suggest that you read from the bottom up (starting July 2011). As I get further into recovery it becomes more about the new ME rather than the new KNEE! I hope you enjoy this blog and I welcome all your comments!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Boy it's getting old.....

Just got back from the hospital which started as a visit to the doctor this afternoon. The pain in  my knee was keeping me up and really - it was luck going back to square one.  Then last night a throbbing started in my thigh - and although I had no other signs of a blood clot I still had concerns.  At first an x-ray was done to make sure that the implant is right where it should be (and it is) , then the exam - where I was told that where the swelling and pain is, is "natural" and that overall my knee looks good.  But, the doctor did want to rule out a blood clot so sent me to the hospital for an ultrasound - and that turned out okay too.

So - rest, ice, elevate, stay on a strict schedule of Advil (3 pills, 3 times a day, whether or not I think I need it - just like at the beginning - I need to stay ahead of the pain - especially so that I can sleep).  Cut back on the stretching (still do it but don't be overzealous) and cut OUT official exercising.  It could be that the water jogging was the culprit in all of this.

Although it seems "gentle" because you are "only" in water and your feet don't have any impact to the floor, it is nonetheless extremely strenuous.  I have to concur - that's when it started.  One morning when I was particularly enjoying myself I pushed it to the next level (in intensity) and could feel that something was wrong with my patella (kneecap) and so I scaled back immediately... but the damage was done.  That's probably where the "pinch" occurred that the doctor though happened, causing bleeding, and hence swelling, in the knee.

So right now my game plan is to do NOTHING but stretches and my old home PT plan - leg lifts, squats, extensions - once a day.  I see the doctor again right before Thanksgiving, and if everything is okay I hope he gives me the go-ahead to get back on track with regular exercise.  (OMG - did I ever in my LIFE think I would WANT to get back to regular exercise?????)

So anyway - this was a severe and true wake-up call with regard to my weight.  Skinny people have bad knees too, but I can't help thinking that things would be so much easier for me if I was "carrying" less weight.  It is so difficult for me to move my body.  I'm not talking about the physical disability for taking stairs or walking - that is knee related. I'm talking about body mass and moving IT up and down stairs and across the floor.  I feel like I am lugging bags and bags of groceries or heavy suitcases - but lo and behold - it is JUST my body that I am moving.  Sad thing is I'm not talking about a monumental weight loss here.  25-30 pounds would be just fine.  But imagine carrying around 30 pounds of groceries all day long.... doesn't sound so little does it? lol

But therein lies my dilemma - when I am exercising I generally do well with my eating plan.  It will just be a little more difficult to stay focused on the food while not being able to move my body in a healthy way.  Excuses.... excuses...  when I did WW years ago I lost my first 25 pounds without so much as walking any more than from my house to the car!  I know weight loss can be done without exercise...  I'm not going to talk myself into looking for a problem where there really isn't any. 

Sigh...  I had come so far only to go back so far....  it really is getting old....



  1. You can lose your weight by simply cutting back on calories. Exercise for me is mainly for "energy for the day." Walking or ellipticizing in a very comfortable way. Movement. You can do this Miriam. I'm so sorry you're going through this. But you will win this battle and lose the weight that will help your knees so much. HA! Here I am at goal weight range and today I have a heat wrap on my knees. Even at normal weight range there are problems. Don't give up. Eat right, lose the weight. You WILL see a huge improvement. I'm cheering you on sweet lady. One day at a time. I'm sorry you are going through this but you WILL see health come to you! ((((HUGS)))) Don't give up!

  2. I agree with Karen. You can and will do this. I too lost all my weight the first time without a minute of exercise! Hang in there. Hugs.
