
If you are new to Total Knee Replacement recovery I suggest that you read from the bottom up (starting July 2011). As I get further into recovery it becomes more about the new ME rather than the new KNEE! I hope you enjoy this blog and I welcome all your comments!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Meanderings at the Deli Counter

Thought I could take a break from tremendously deep thinking (oh - don't worry - you'll get my thoughts "Joy Rising" Oprah class - maybe tomorrow!) but couldn't escape doing SOME thinking as you will see.

So I go to the grocery store after my class this morning (someone had asked what class I take - I don't take a class, I actually teach belly dancing... and in today's advanced class we were talking about confidence... and something very poignant came up and I was thinking "WWOS"  - what would Oprah say?  lol  -- I dug deep and found the words and my student had an "aha moment" which brought her to tears.  Very moving, indeed).  ...

I digress... back to the supermarket.  So - there are huge crowds (which only happen before hurricanes, snowstorms and Thanksgiving - so when I went home I checked weather.com and indeed, there is a snow storm coming) and it took SO long for my number to come up at the deli. I went to get 1 lb skinless turkey breast and 1 lb Thin and Trim ham. There is SO much time before my turn that I start looking at everything else.  I mentally started adding things to my list.  I was going to get some herring in wine - an absolutely favorite thing of mine - PLUS I had just read yesterday that it's a great choice for Omega-3, and it's low in points.  Then I was thinking about getting pepperoni - after all, tomorrow is a football Sunday so I started running Sunday afternoon football snack recipes in my head - if I get the pepperoni, I can make little pizzas on sliced french bread or pizzas or antipasto or any number of things.  Well, if I'm going to get the pepperoni and I did just buy apples at another store- so why not get Castello cheese (it's like a creamy blue cheese and my husband's favorite) which my husband eats with apples.  Hmm... the coleslaw looks good and now they have an edemame salad too.  But back to the herring... how much should I get.

So this entire conversation, and party menu planning is going on in my head.  My number is up next (I was 67 and it was only in the 40s when I got to the counter).  So I think to myself - that's what I enjoy about WW - you can eat ANYTHING.... you just can't eat it all at the same time.  Nor all you want of everything.  My number was called - I'll have a pound of the turkey breast and a pound of the ham please.  Anything else? No thank you.  And I walked away.  If I don't buy it I won't have it in the house and I won't have to make tough decisions about having this OR that.  And if I limit the choice confusion I do so much better.  Yes, I could have gotten the herring, and even have gotten the pepperoni and figure out all the points for all the dishes I could produce for the football game.  But honestly, my husband is just as happy with a couple of bagels and I am much better with a stable lunch, and I don't need scads of leftovers facing me all week.

It was just a very interesting conversation in my head.  At least I hope it was only in my head.  When my kids point out I'm talking to myself I always say - yes - and it's the best conversation I've had all week!

Breakfast:  Flat out bread (need to get some more), 2 LC cheese, tomatoes  (3)
Lunch:  3 oz chicken, 8 oz potatoes (both leftover from dinner last night), beets, left over green veggies (6)
"Snack":  Dunkin Donuts hot coffee with cream (3)
Dinner: 2 oz (dry) whole wheat pasta with Muir Glen garden vegetable pasta sauce (5)

Salad with 2 tsp olive oil (2)
Snack: banana "ice cream" (frozen banana whipped up like ice cream) with 1 tbs walnuts (3)
3 points left over - not sure how I'll spend them.

Lesson: The best conversations in your head are the ones where you talk yourself out of potentially doing very foolish things.



  1. "Yourself" is very smart! :) Great job.

  2. lol Jan - and thank you for being such a faithful reader!
