
If you are new to Total Knee Replacement recovery I suggest that you read from the bottom up (starting July 2011). As I get further into recovery it becomes more about the new ME rather than the new KNEE! I hope you enjoy this blog and I welcome all your comments!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Word from the Doctor

This past week or so I have been "suffering" in a way that I haven't since my first month out of surgery.  It's gotten to the point where I had started using my cane again.  I think a lot of it has to do with the damp weather - there IS actually something called a baroreceptor: (from Wikipedia):

Baroreceptors (or baroceptors) are sensors located in the blood vessels of several mammals. They are a type of mechanoreceptor  that detects the pressure of blood flowing through them, and can send messages to the central nervous system  to increase or decrease total peripheral resistance and cardiac output.   blah blah blah but the end result is that some of us (ME) are very sensitive to drops in barometric pressure - usually occurring where there is loss of cartilage and other "upsets" in healthy tissues.  WHOODA THUNK?????  So when people say they feel rain coming on they ain't kidding!

Okay so back to my story - baroreceptors notwithstanding, I still started to get very worried - as I said in my last post, the swelling is awful and I'm starting to have pain that no Aleve or Advil will relieve.

So, I told all that to the doctor and he said that I may have pinched something that caused bleeding into the knee and to STOP all extra activity (walking, aqua jogging, swimming, etc.) except for stretching and to lay off everything for 2-3 weeks.  He also said that since I am not getting any relief from the Advil or Aleve, to not bother taking it, as that opens a whole other set of problems.  I still have a supply of Vicodin, and if it's been a particularly bad day I can take one at bedtime and one during the night.

Not quite back to square one, but a setback for sure - I think emotionally more than anything.  Like I said in an earlier post, I feel I'm back to juggling - how much is too much? What is just right to put me on the brink of where I need to be?  What's not nearly enough so I shouldn't even bother?  The doctor said that when I was starting to walk 1 1/2 miles, that maybe 1 mile a little longer would have been better.  Where is that extra one step that makes it "too" much?  But I felt FINE at 1 mile - there was no reason NOT to push just a little further....

Those of you who may have a TKR in your future - make sure to take a class in juggling as part of your prep!

Meanwhile I have a belly dance class to teach in the morning.  But I swear - I'm not getting out of my nightgown on Sunday!



  1. well, at least you have an answer. It may not have been the words of wisdom you were looking for but if you had done nothing you could be in the same boat.

    I applaud your perserverance and knowing when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em. I wish there were classes so you could know what to expect.

    wishing you a great weekend........and a jammie filled sunday!

  2. Hugs to you. Ya, a juggling class or one on how to read a crystal ball might help. Wow, it seems like such a guessing game. Glad to hear you haven't given up though. Hang in there.
