
If you are new to Total Knee Replacement recovery I suggest that you read from the bottom up (starting July 2011). As I get further into recovery it becomes more about the new ME rather than the new KNEE! I hope you enjoy this blog and I welcome all your comments!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Monday :)

I like Mondays.  I know most people use the funny icons that signal "Monday...again?" and that sort of thing, but I love them.  I wish I had Mondays off to recover from busy weekends (that's when I do all my household "chores" so I'm tired, not rested, by Sunday night) but I like the new beginnings.  Every day is a new beginning, but Mondays especially.

Breakfast:  WW bagel and 2 wedges of LC cheese (4)
                  Sliced tomatoes
                  Coffee with real cream (2) - coffee wasn't so satisfying this morning - my husband makes it from grinding beans, and sometimes just one bean too many or too little will tip the scales as to whether I like the coffee or not.  Why not make it myself you ask?  I decided, more than 30 years ago that I would never learn to make coffee - at least it's ONE thing that I won't be asked to do.  Sort of falls under the category of your kid asking for puppy and promising to take care of it, but the mother is the one walking it at 4AM on a snowy morning.
Lunch:         3 oz turkey on 2 slices of WW rye bread (4)
                   Salad with 2 tsp oil  (2)
                   Mini-bag of lite microwaved popcorn (1)

Snack:          Apple (1)
                    WW string cheese  (1)  - I just found a smoked flavor - can't wait to try it.

Dinner:          Chicken Primavera sauce with 2 oz (dry measure) whole wheat shells:   (6)
                    1 1/2 cup butternut squash casserole (2)
                    Brussels sprouts, asparagus  (0)
Snack:          Skinny Cow chocolate truffle  (1)  OMG these are SO good

Total:  24 - I should have squeezed in another fruit - since I am writing this in the morning before I've actually eaten, I might make an executive decision to nix the butternut squash because I am having pasta (but OMG - this isn't just plain butternut squash - it's a recipe made with red onions and garam masala) and have another fruit instead. 
I just got an email that my membership to blog-to-lose was accepted!  I'm looking forward to getting to meet people there.  WAVING HELLO!!

Have a great day everyone:


  1. Oh Miriam! Can you post your recipe for the squash, onion, and garam masala? Sounds delicious!

  2. Karen - it's on dotti's website from "mommio" - just do a "garam masala" search.

  3. I tried to search for it and couldn't find it.

    I can't wait to get down to the States to try the Skinny Cow candy too :)
