
If you are new to Total Knee Replacement recovery I suggest that you read from the bottom up (starting July 2011). As I get further into recovery it becomes more about the new ME rather than the new KNEE! I hope you enjoy this blog and I welcome all your comments!

Friday, October 28, 2011


Okay - so just as I thought I had squelched that negative energy flow into my life it started again this morning.  Do you ever get the feeling that your life is like hanging on a cliff by your fingernails?  That's what it felt like my whole drive in to work this morning.  I just want ONE day without anxiety, anger, sadness, disappointment, and guilt.  I want to live one day BLANK.  I'd settle for not even happiness and satisfaction.  I just want a blank slate.  HOWEVER, I wasn't in physical pain this morning! :)  lol --- Jan - I took Aleve instead of Advil and I don't know whether it's that or cutting out a lot of inflammatory foods (like sugar and dairy), but I'll take it.  Oh why can't I have it all?  No physical pain and no emotional pain. 

But on my drive in, during all this turmoil, I was thinking that my food intake is the ONE thing that I have control over.  I think when there is loss of control in one's life that we have to hang on to any life raft that floats by.  By eating out of control that's just one MORE thing that's out of control.  I'm hanging on to my food plan like a life raft these days.  My "usual" way to handle things was: "Oh heck, everything is upside down, I can't concentrate on my food plan right now, it's not a priority, comfort food isn't called comfort food for no reason."  But my NEW way to look at is, I have been given this life raft to hold on to.  It's the one thing I CAN control, where my decisions DO count, where there IS a reward for holding on."  So to that end, I stopped in a the supermarket and made a salad at the salad bar because I had run out of lettuce this morning.

Breakfast:  Flat-out pita bread (1 at 1 pt) with 2 LC cheese, tomatoes and coffee (5)
Lunch:  Salad with 2 tsp olive oil and vinegar, 2 pitas + 4 oz turkey (8)
            Popcorn (1)
Snack: apple, cheese, almonds  (4)
Dinner:  Brussels sprouts and asparagus (these are appearing so often because I hadn't made them on a couple of nights that I said I would)
            Fingerling potatoes (8 oz for 3 points) (3)
            Protein (don't know whether hubby is getting chicken or fish): (4)
Total:  (25)

Have a great day and .... breathe!

1 comment:

  1. Hugs - you will get through this. Great choices on the food front. So glad the Aleve worked.
