
If you are new to Total Knee Replacement recovery I suggest that you read from the bottom up (starting July 2011). As I get further into recovery it becomes more about the new ME rather than the new KNEE! I hope you enjoy this blog and I welcome all your comments!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Wednesday and letting go

Another very valuable lesson from Oprah's Life Class has been the concept of not letting your past define who you are now.  I took that to heart because I realize a lot of my overeating behavior is mainly habit.  I ALWAYS eat like crazy the whole rest of the day because I've had one piece of candy corn at 2 in the afternoon.  Why not? I wasn't perfect so the whole day (then the rest of the week and/or month) is shot.  How much of it is that the one piece of candy (or anything) triggers some physical thing that results in a downfall, and how much of it is habit?  "I've always been this way so this is the way I am now."  The definition of my past self was: I am the person who, if she strays one morsel from a food plan, then, since I allow myself no wiggle room, I have to totally ditch the program until at least the following Monday.  If this happens on a Monday, then oh well - I'll just wait till the first Monday of the next week or month. Mostly month."  So I ate according to my food plan (below) AND I had about 5 candy corns at 2PM.  Hmm... the old me would have stopped for Chinese food on the way home - because... what the heck.... but the new me is going to have exactly what I have planned for dinner!

On the knee front - I am just so uncomfortable.  I called my orthopedist's office today and one of their branches has an entire Eastern Medicine practice: Reiki, massage, acupuncture, Chinese herbs, etc.  I am waiting for a call from the massage therapist.  I've pinpointed that the worst of my left leg pain comes from tightness in the muscles, even though I am doing a really good job of stretching.  I think the discomfort in the operated leg could also benefit from a massage. So, I'm biting the bullet and paying out of pocket for something that I feel I really really need.  Hey - what I'm saving by not buying Chinese food on the way home should pay for it!

Breakfast:    WW bagel, 2 wedges of LC cheese, sliced tomato, coffee (6)
Lunch:         2 1pt whole wheat tortillas with 4 oz turkey breast (6)
                   salad with dressing (2)
Snack:        apple, string cheese, almonds (4)
Dinner:       Asparagus, Brussels sprouts
                  1 can of tuna fish with 1 tbs lite mayo (3)
                  Butternut squash  (2)
Snack:       1/2 banana with Greek Yogurt (2)
Total: 25

Be all that you can be TODAY - not who you were yesterday.


  1. Good for you, Miriam. Persistence, not perfection. That is my motto. I know exactly how you feel about "oh I messed up, so I may as well start over (fill in the blank). Don't let that thinking derail you! (((hugs)))

  2. Oh yeah...like the molasses cookie I ate yesterday. And I battled with the "rest" of them today! You are doing great! No one is perfect. But we can change the way we think about food and mainly... ourselves! I'd say you are pretty darned awesome!!

  3. Hmmmmm...Chinese Food.....massage.....Chinese Food.....massage. Tough choice but I think you made the right one. :)
