
If you are new to Total Knee Replacement recovery I suggest that you read from the bottom up (starting July 2011). As I get further into recovery it becomes more about the new ME rather than the new KNEE! I hope you enjoy this blog and I welcome all your comments!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Am I dreaming?

Well it might be because what I noticed was in the wee hours of the night.  My knee isn't stiff when it's been bent and I have to straighten it --- and it's not stiff when it's been straight and I have to bend it.  I'm telling you... little things are so big!

Also - on the diet front I just want to share my "ah-ha" moment.  I was in the kitchen in the evening, and not even hungry - just "looking" - y'all know what I mean.  I had something in my hand and I put it down.  I said to myself - "Every decision I make has a consequence."    It wasn't just the consequence on the scale - because that is fleeting.  The deeper consequence was that, given my tendencies, I know that if I had the one thing, it would have lead to eating everything "not nailed down" in the kitchen.  Then I would have felt bad about myself.  Then I would have had to "start over" AGAIN.  I'm sick of starting over. 

However, having said that - wishing you a healthy, prosperous new year - where all your start overs are perfect!


p.s. Sandy - I hope you enjoyed your trip to Disney.  Didn't I tell you the old-lady scooter would save you???


  1. Awesome news on both fronts - your knee and the 'aha' moment! Way to go!

  2. Love all those "signs" you've seen lately of the progress you've made in the past seven months, Miriam! How wonderful! By the time the New Year comes, you will have so much to celebrate! i would love to drink a toast with you on your new lease on life - but will have to do so in spirit instead!
