
If you are new to Total Knee Replacement recovery I suggest that you read from the bottom up (starting July 2011). As I get further into recovery it becomes more about the new ME rather than the new KNEE! I hope you enjoy this blog and I welcome all your comments!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Day 2 of 100 - Redefining Yumminess

Today's question:  Are you interested or committed?  Good question.  I think THIS time around what is different is that I am committed.  I know I say that all the time... but what's the difference? - Redefining yumminess.  Whether counting calories or points, the bottom line is that I was always interested in how I could fit in a candy bar, or a decadent dessert, or eating out often, or tweaking my weigh-in days so that I could eat as much as I wanted but have a few days to almost make up for it.  I was interested in how many excuses I could come up with to explain why my weight loss was slow, or what would be a really good reason not to follow a diet at all. 

This time I finally get it.  It IS a lifestyle change in the way I eat.  It sort of does make me sad, but it makes me happy as well, because I finally understand the difference between being interested and being committed.  This is not to say that I can't have candy or dessert, or eat out, or skip an occasional weigh-in because of an over-indulgence.  But it means that I have to realize it is a different game that I have to play.  And I can have fun.  Really I can.  Not just shopping for healthy food (yes, I'm one of the few people that absolutely loves grocery shopping!) and finding new recipes, but I found today that I even enjoyed planning my meals for tomorrow. 

I am faced with a challenge tomorrow: I'm going with my brothers to visit my mother in her nursing home for lunch, which we bring.  I actually do this every week, but have never done it while committed to my weight loss plan.  At work I have soup, salad, several fruits, and a casserole or protein that I heat in the microwave.  When I go to my mother's there is no fridge or microwave, so we always just bring cold lunches (the one time we brought in Chinese food it was just too complicated).  Either my brother or I bring potato salad and coleslaw, sandwiches or bagels, desserts, chips, pretzels, etc.  And we eat and we enjoy.  So for tomorrow I told him to bring his own lunch (and for my other brother who is visiting) and I would take care of myself and my mother (sadly, at this point, she could eat cardboard and not care - I spent a lot of time at the beginning bringing her all her favorite foods but it doesn't matter anymore).  I'm packing a totally on-program lunch, including a big mug of soup that I will heat and eat in my office BEFORE going over.  I am also packing carrots and celery sticks because I will need a lot of crunch. Anyway - I mixed and matched all my options for tomorrow - from breakfast through dinner - so I would eat just what I wanted to eat, and still be satisfied.

So redefining yumminess?  That's another fun part of this process.  I just did my version of a 1-minute muffin, except it came out like a cake and it's wonderful.  Not Cheesecake Factory cheesecake wonderful.  Not even close.  Looking through interested eyes I wouldn't even give it a second glance.  Looking through committed eyes, I can't wait to have it again.  It's not that I am going to eat foods that I don't like - it's just that I am willing to be open to new tastes and textures and give things a second try.  I'm willing to redefine yumminess.

I hope I can stay awake tonight for the chat at Blog to Lose.  It's 10PM - WAY past my bedtime, but I'll aim to be awake.  I got so much from Mondays' chat I don't want to miss it tonight.

Have a committed day everyone!


  1. Miriam, you've got me more than interested! I'm ready to commit, too, to the 100 Days of Weight Loss! I used this trip to my daughter's as an "excuse" to get off my journey after barely staying on it for a week - clearly I missed out on the commitment aspect of my journey! I've just downloaded the book in my Kindle and will be reading it and blogging DAILY starting this weekend when I get home (we'll be on the road Friday and part of Saturday). Thank you for giving me an incentive - a means to structure my journey, if you will! Lots of reading to do, along with blogging, online (WW) food journaling, and, of course, walking and swimming. You are truly my inspiration! : )

    1. Thank you. I'm touched. And now you inspire ME!
