
If you are new to Total Knee Replacement recovery I suggest that you read from the bottom up (starting July 2011). As I get further into recovery it becomes more about the new ME rather than the new KNEE! I hope you enjoy this blog and I welcome all your comments!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Day 1 of a 100

I think I mentioned in an earlier blog about Linda Spangle's "100 Days of Weight Loss" as a supplemental motivational program that can be used with any diet program.  I know that Flo and Jan are using it, and I started with a friend, Cyndy.  I started before Christmas, then we lost our way and have begun again with Day 1 today.

The first day is to write your answers to: "I used to be that way but now I'm this way."  How did you used to be and what are you going to do different this time?  The first time I approached this I had a huge laundry list.  After my experiences yesterday the answer was a short one: I am going to take one day at a time.  PERIOD.  I think one of the reasons I haven't been successful up to now is that I got very caught up in the future:

Would I be dieting forever?  How on earth could I weigh and measure and track my whole life?  Would I ever know what it means to have a normal food life?  How can I live with rules and various deprivations? What if I'm hungry?  What if I'm bored?  What if I want to eat the universe - and do?

After my chat yesterday on Blog to Lose, I came away with a new sense of "Just for Today."  I wiped off the white board on my fridge and planned my meals JUST FOR TODAY, and posted them on the white board so that when I got up this morning I would have an immediate map of where I am going.  Of course, since I only shop and cook once a week, I can't exactly go day-by-day but with many choices available to me, I can make that decision the night before for the next day.  I can also get in tune with what I feel like having - what I am in the mood for, what I haven't had for a while, if I need to get out of a rut.  I just felt so good about today.  I can do anything for one day.

Sandy (my sister knee-replacement blogger) reminded me that I would get in the same trouble as before with my walking, if I attacked 5 flights of stairs right out of the box.  So, once she put some sense in my head, I fabricated a new plan of attack, which I started today.  We have an exercise bike in the office that I haven't used.  So today I took {one flight of stairs up and down + 5 minutes on the bike} x 2.  My ultimate goal is to do that 4 times a day plus add 20 minutes at home on my own bike.  I can do that.  JUST FOR TODAY!!!!  And, if I'm successful, I can do it tomorrow again!

Thanks for commenting, Beth, Kathy and Elaine - it's nice to know you're reading this blog!  And Kathy - Not a clue where the vegetables turns from a yellow turnip to a rutabaga.  Maybe the Mason-Dixon line?



  1. Flo finished the 100 Days and I got waylaid on Day 73. I am going to pick up there starting on Thursday!

  2. Thank you for reminding me that this is a one day at a time process. I have a poster on my desktop that says "it took more than 1 day to put it all on, it will take more than one day to take it off" This is a lifestyle change not a challenge, not a diet for the minute...it is relearning something forever.

    I am going to look into the book.......knowledge is a good thing! xxoo

  3. I am so happy that this is ONE of my 2011 goals that I actually accomplished. It took me three tries but I finished that book!

    Miriam, did you know she has a free section on her website that goes along with the book?

