
If you are new to Total Knee Replacement recovery I suggest that you read from the bottom up (starting July 2011). As I get further into recovery it becomes more about the new ME rather than the new KNEE! I hope you enjoy this blog and I welcome all your comments!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Walkie! Walkie!

Since yesterday's post was "Splashy Splashy" I thought it was fitting to have today's be "Walkie Walkie."  OMG did I hit the most fantastic  victory today.  After my PT I walked ALONE to the manicurist for a mani-pedi.  In terms of distance, if you are familiar with the term "New York City block" that was about the distance.  Maybe a few tenths of a mile (1/4 mile?).  In advance I had my husband drop off my Aircast Cryocuff (an icing system using iced water that feeds into a wrap) so as soon as I got there I iced and enjoyed!  My knee buckled once, but I was ready for it, and walking SO slowly that I wasn't in any danger of falling.  In the same little mall is a post office and a deli, so I actually almost cried with joy as I picked up a book of stamps and a cold bottle of Pepsi (Diet, of course).  Because I was nice and loose I was able to fully bend my knee into the water, and I thoroughly enjoyed her foot and leg massage.  I was originally going to just go for a polish change, but this woman gives a killer massage, and I was so in need of it.  Never mind feeling grand because my nails and tootsies are done a nice hot pink!

Another move along the progress continuum is that I learned how to handle the laundry myself.  Big mistake maybe - since this was the first time my husband ever learned to use the washing machine (which is okay - because I don't mow the lawn!)  He doesn't give me any indication that taking care of me is wearing thin, but maybe it's wearing thin on ME - I just want to start getting a little more independent.  Anyway - I figured out that if I carry a small load of laundry to the top of the stairs I can toss it down to the basement.  It all almost makes it to the bottom of the stairs, but as I'm coming down I can extremely carefully nudge whatever is left on the stairs further down.  Then once I am downstairs doing the laundry is no big deal.  Of course, I haven't figured out how to go up with it! lol - that will come later.

As always I am learning wonderful and valuable lessons at PT.  While I was in the waiting room there was a guy with one crutch so right away I looked for the tell-tale scar - turns out he had his surgery the day before me at the same hospital.  Same practice of doctors even.  Anyway we were side by side during PT and I'm just laying there with my 25 minutes of massaging, and he's already at the bars doing steps and walking.  I mentioned it to my therapist and she said that the hardest thing for people to come to terms with is that everyone progresses at VERY different rates.  Although there is a protocol as to HOW to progress, the speed of that progression is very dependent upon the individual person.  Plus, I have to remember that I had the manipulation, which, although it catapulted me forward within my own recovery, it really set me back a few weeks in comparison to everyone else.  She assured me that I would  be doing steps before I know it.  Another lesson in trust and patience.

I am also walking a little more without the aid of my crutch.  If I am in the house I venture with nothing - WAY against doctor's and therapist's orders (but who listens?) but even outside I'm doing better.  I walked that entire distance today with one crutch, not two, and maybe by next time I will confident enough to do it with a cane.

Anyway - I was so excited about my activities today I couldn't wait until tonight to write everything down.

So instead of wishing you a good night I shall wish you a good day!


1 comment:

  1. I have an idea that might help you. I bought a rolling crate with an extension handle from Office Depot. I cart my laundry around in that. It might be able to take being bumped up the stairs with your clean laundry in it. Before using it in my house, I used it in my job, and I did lug it up stairs. Check it out

