
If you are new to Total Knee Replacement recovery I suggest that you read from the bottom up (starting July 2011). As I get further into recovery it becomes more about the new ME rather than the new KNEE! I hope you enjoy this blog and I welcome all your comments!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


I saw the surgeon this afternoon.  I was so anxious - afraid he would send me to the hospital for another manipulation.  He asked me to bend my knee and just looking at it he said it was over 100 degrees, and sure enough, when it was measured it was 105.  WHEW - what a relief!  I passed! 

Here are the questions and answers from today:
1)  May I drive?    YES
2)  Can I switch to Aleve or Advil?  YES - max 4 Aleve, max 8 Advil - whatever works best
3)  What about the awful pain I get in my medial compartment?  NOT TO WORRY.  Because the leg was straightened there will be all sorts of pulling and tugging - but nothing to worry about.
4) I'm feeling very raw spots under the skin. Is it a sign I am hurting myself? NO- You won't do any damage to this knee unless you fall out a second story window.
5) What about pain in my shin and foot that might be related to my sciatica?  BE CAREFUL WITH THAT.   If you feel that it is in any way related to sciatica, don't do the exercise.
6) Can I do a full kick when I swim?  YES
7) What about the immediate stiffening and swelling that I experience after any activity (even just standing still)? NOT TO WORRY.  Swelling and stiffening can last up to a year.  It's not an indication of anything to worry about - it's normal.  As is the fact that my knee is hot to the touch - that can last a long time too.
8) Do I still need my cane and/or crutch?  YES.  Must walk with aide for a full 8 weeks following surgery.  After that, I can go without, as long as I am comfortable (starting around the house).
9)  Anything else I need to know?  SEE YOU IN SIX MONTHS.

I practically skipped out of his office I was so happy. 

I did have a miserable night last night - but I was expecting it because I had added so many new exercises to my routine.  But now that I have talked to the doctor I know that I'm not hurting myself (other than I might not be able to bounce out of bed the next morning...).  If I choose to push myself (like full-kick swimming or new exercises) I have to pay the piper but it's not a fall from a second-story window!  HOWEVER - that being said there are plenty of things I cannot do - not even years after surgery.  Fortunately they are not things that I would do anyway - like run and jog, or use heavy weights on leg machines, etc. 

Today's "NSV"?  I toured a nursing home (for my mother) after the doctor's appointment.  And, even though I was dying to use a wheel chair (which was offered several times) I walked with just my cane, even though I was on my feet almost an hour.  It would have been so easy to just have someone push me in the chair but I felt so good after my doctor's appointment, I decided that would be my "push" for the day.


1 comment:

  1. Great news, Miriam! So glad your doctor's visit was so positive.
