
If you are new to Total Knee Replacement recovery I suggest that you read from the bottom up (starting July 2011). As I get further into recovery it becomes more about the new ME rather than the new KNEE! I hope you enjoy this blog and I welcome all your comments!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Splashy! Splashy!

I had my pool therapy session this morning.  It took me as long to dress and recover as it did to have the session!  The therapist didn't think to tell me there was a handicapped bathroom/shower, so I showered standing up (doesn't sound like a big deal you say???) and was just exhausted and had to sit for a while before even getting dressed.  Lesson to anyone taking pool therapy:  Be sure to ask if there is a handicapped shower if the ones available in the locker room do not have shower benches!

Oh it was SO nice.  I was in the warmer pool (around 94 degrees) and did all sorts of walking exercises, as well as just hanging there to let the joints open up.  I don't know that I remember too much to do in my own pool, but I am scheduled for two more sessions so I'm sure I'll learn a program to use at home.  I won't get exactly the same benefit because my pool is so cold, but as soon as I am back at work I will use the rehab pool at my facility which is just as warm and nice as where I went today.

One of the reasons I won't remember a lot of what I did today is because I was talking with the therapist the whole time I was doing the exercises.  What I learned is that I have to trust the process.  There is certain protocol for a total knee replacement and another one for if there has been a manipulation.  I'm all "but when am I going to do this or that?  What if?  Why not?  When?"  Add to this all the reading I'm doing, all the advice I'm getting, and all the anecdotes I am getting from friends who have been through this.  I have to let this ALL go and just trust the therapists that they know what they are doing.  Granted... SOMEONE has to graduate in the bottom of the class and not everyone is excellent, but I picked an excellent place, and so far I have been so happy with the care I am getting.  I just want it NOW.  Actually I just want it all YESTERDAY.  Trust... that is my new mantra with recovery and therapy.

My brother and his wife came today with lunch.  We had the most delightful afternoon, and I was asleep within 5 minutes of their departure.  As a matter of fact they might still have been saying good bye to my husband in the driveway and I was already asleep.  That's another thing I am getting used to - just the overwhelming fatigue.  (Of course it didn't help that it was 92 degrees today!)  I'm not going to worry now about how it will be when I go back to work.  First of all, I will be so much further along in my recovery, and second, I will hopefully only be working part-time to start.   Did I say "trust" is my new mantra?  Add "patience" to that.

My victory today was that even though I had my pool therapy, and I was hot and I was tired, I made myself do a session of home therapy as well.  I have been using my recumbent bike. Sometimes I can do it, sometimes I can't.  Sometimes I can barely keep going the three minutes - and at that it is quite labored.  Today I did SIX minutes like a biking pro!

Making this short - hot and tired seem to be the buzz words for the day... but I'm happy! :)

Stay cool!

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