
If you are new to Total Knee Replacement recovery I suggest that you read from the bottom up (starting July 2011). As I get further into recovery it becomes more about the new ME rather than the new KNEE! I hope you enjoy this blog and I welcome all your comments!

Monday, July 18, 2011

So many corners... so little time....

Every time I turn a corner there's another corner!  Well, at least it's interesting and not one long flat road to nowhere!  I usually write my entries in the evening but Saturday and Sunday were SO exhausting (and today is proving to be another exhausting day) that I figured I had better sit down and write early in the day.

Saturday I visited my mother's nursing home to celebrate her 95th birthday!  The morning started with my PT, then a long drive (for me, anyway) to the nursing home.  2-3 hours at the party, long drive home, hanging some laundry, PT again.  I remember that there was something that I wanted to write about the day (in terms of my recovery) but can't remember now.  'Nuff said that it was a busy day with a lot of time on my feet, lots of time in the car, and hot hot weather. Also - my first full day without the cane!  One foot in front of the other, nice and slowly... I got where I had to go... all on my own!

Yesterday I do remember:  After my morning PT I spent about 2 hours straightening up the house - not that it was two hours' worth of work... remember how slowly I move!  Then out grocery shopping.  Just as I closed my eyes to try to recoup some strength my company started arriving.  Spent the afternoon out at the pool, swimming, entertaining, putting out appetizers then setting the table for dinner.  Thank heavens my husband is a great chef so I didn't have to cook anything - and everyone did offer to help me with the incidentals - but when you have people over it's still a lot of work even if someone else takes over the bulk of it.  OMG I was so exhausted by the time that last dish went in the dishwasher (second full load) - no pain though :) :) and that is a HUGE improvement over the arthritis.  Before the surgery with a day like that - I would have to get into bed before people even left, and I was lucky if I recovered from the pain by the next day.  This TKR really is a miracle.

This morning I had killer pool therapy.  I finally begged to cut it 5 minutes short!  I had a HUGE victory: when I went into the pool the first time I said my ultimate goal (pool-wise) was going to be able to get out of the pool using the stairs that are carved into the wall of the pool in the deep end.  The olympic pool that I will be using for swimming and water walking ONLY has those stairs.  I mentioned that to the therapist I had today (the third one I've worked with) and she said - let's do that right now.  OMG - I got out of the pool.  It took a huge amount of upper body strength but I did it.  We practiced it over and over again, and I think I can do it!  The first few times I use the "real" pool, though I will ask the life guard to come over and be with me.  Not so much to help, but if I grunt and struggle and even fall back into the water he/she won't be startled that I'm flubbing around so much trying to get out of the pool.

I already did my land therapy today (not too much whining - it's getting better) and now the pool therapy.  So, except for maybe a few times with the bike throughout the day I might be done for the day.  Although... I'm getting quite excited about my exercises for going up and down the stairs.  I can actually make it up step-over-step and I want to keep practicing that.  The down needs a lot of work, but I'm encouraged with the up success.

All in all a good day.  OH! And I didn't bring my cane with me to go in and out of physical therapy today.  I'm getting more confident.  I'm SO glad I am doing this recovery in the summer.  It would be so brutal and disheartening to have to deal with this when there is snow and ice.  Advice to anyone getting the surgery: Don't do it in the winter if you live in a climate with snow and ice!

Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. Doin' good kiddo....just sounds like your trying to conquer too much at a time!....take it easy...it will get better.
