
If you are new to Total Knee Replacement recovery I suggest that you read from the bottom up (starting July 2011). As I get further into recovery it becomes more about the new ME rather than the new KNEE! I hope you enjoy this blog and I welcome all your comments!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Some good progress

I sent my computer for two days of beauty so didn't have it to make my posts.  Two days of beauty you ask?  A full cleaning and check-up at Staples - instead of a couple of hours it was a couple of days.  But it's back and I'm happy. 

I had my physical therapy this morning after a really crappy weekend.  I just wasn't feeling well, and my knee and incision were bothering me.  The therapist said that when there are changes in weather (like it has been) that I shouldn't be surprised that the incision hurt.  She said going from hot to cold to hot, dry to wet to dry, will cause pulling on the incision - and not just what I see on the top - all the internal incisions and scars as well.  It was a valuable piece of information that I will remember next time it goes from 103 degrees to 78!

When I went to PT on Friday she was concerned about my leg extension (I am so hyper-vigilant about range of motion, that I forget how important it is to straighten the leg as well).  I was more attentive to the exercises for that (every bit as painful as the ones where you have to bend the knee) and this morning she was just amazed.  I am now 1 degree from where the extension should be.  I am also over the degree of bend that they got in the hospital during the manipulation.  So all in all - regardless of how it feels - my knee is doing well and responding to all the exercise and therapy.  I'm working really hard now on strength so that I can go up and down stairs, and balance, so that I can walk nice and evenly with no limp. 

I told my husband on the way home that maybe the end is in sight for outpatient PT.  For sure I will go all through August, and dwindle from there to maybe once a week, but maybe I will be done even before that.  My exercises at home take a full hour, and as long as I am faithful to those, I am sure the progress will continue at lightening speed.  The therapist said also that as I move more during the day that my home PT can be done once a day, although the stretching should be done at least twice.  That's good to know.  Right now I don't mind the full hour twice a day, but I am planning to go back to work next week, and would hate to have to find the time (and energy) for two hours of exercise.

I am still juggling my medication.  Yesterday I didn't take any Vicadin and struggled through my morning PT, and felt awful all day.  I also didn't take any at night but slept well.  So I think maybe I should continue with one Vicadin and one Tylenol in the morning, then switch over to Advil for the rest of the day IF I need it.  So it's a major cut-down, but not a total cutting out.  I also give myself permission to take it as needed and not to be a martyr.  As the therapist said, there are still many days ahead that won't be the best, and I have to go with the flow.

OH! And I didn't have my computer to report this: I went on my first solo drive Saturday morning.  IT WAS WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. EXCELLENT ON THE DRIVE...just remember patience is the key to recovery...lol I know you hate to hear that...but it's true...hang in there kiddo!

  2. Just caught up with reading your posts, Miriam. My, what a lot of ups and downs, but then there is that unwaivering persistence that carries you through each day, even when you've gone through your "dips". Good for you, Miriam! Whether you realize it or not, you are such an inspiration. I love how honest you are about your feelings as you continue your road to recovery.

    I do have "knee issues" and have had intermittent pain during the school year, especially when I spend a lot of time on my feet. I have had a relatively pain-free summer,though. I did well on my hikes and walking last week (2 to 4 miles per day), and will be going back to my laps in which I use a kickboard with the goal of strengthening the rest of my legs -- I started the laps this summer and plan to continue going to the Y pool during the school year. I have had two knee surgeries in the past due to miniscus tears- one on each knee and with the last one, my surgeon told me I would need TKR in 3 to 5 years - in both knees! That was nearly six years ago. The x-rays show that I have very little cartilage left between my knee joints so knee surgery is inevitable. My goal at this point is to get to my final retirement (next May) so I have plenty of time to recover after surgery. I also have to be more serious about my weight loss program as I it would be to my advantage to lose 40-50 lbs before I have knee surgery.
