
If you are new to Total Knee Replacement recovery I suggest that you read from the bottom up (starting July 2011). As I get further into recovery it becomes more about the new ME rather than the new KNEE! I hope you enjoy this blog and I welcome all your comments!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Ring! Ring!

Okay - a brand new "NSV" to add to my list of little, but important victories:  The phone rang and I didn't have the cordless nearby.  I actually got up from the recliner and made it to the kitchen phone before it stopped ringing!  Darn - I couldn't even do that before my surgery!  The arthritic stiffness would stop me dead in my tracks the minute I tried to stand after I'd been sitting even more than a few minutes! 

Had PT this morning with a different person.  (Starting next week I will be with the same two people through the end of August... right now they are dealing with summer vacations so it's catch as catch can.)  It's interesting to see how each person has their own way of approaching the same protocol.  I've been happy with everyone that has worked on me so no complaints - just interesting. 

When I was going into the facility, without thinking, I took the first stair step-over-step (I learned that is the expression when you do stairs "normally" instead of one step at a time).  They have very shallow steps so it didn't hurt - I was just startled when I did it.  It was quite natural and I didn't intend to do it, but it got me to thinking that I would like that to be my next BIG challenge.  Who wouldda thunk that just doing stairs "step-over-step" would be what I want to do more than anything else!  The therapist let me do some exercises to build up to that - mostly working on strengthening the quads and glutes.  Keep in mind that I haven't taken steps "normally" in about 4 years (at least!) so those muscles have really gotten lazy and I have a lot of work to do.

So today was day two with my Weight Watchers on-line. I have to say that being "official" really made me make better decisions all through the day.  Even though I am only accountable to myself (rather than weighing in at a meeting) it seems to have clicked.  Now that I am swimming and "biking" I'm really pumped to add a weight control program to my day.  It's quite exciting, actually.

I didn't overdo it in the pool today, though, because of all the quad and glute exercises I did at PT... I don't want to be crawling to bed tonight.

Have a great evening everyone!

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