
If you are new to Total Knee Replacement recovery I suggest that you read from the bottom up (starting July 2011). As I get further into recovery it becomes more about the new ME rather than the new KNEE! I hope you enjoy this blog and I welcome all your comments!

Monday, March 12, 2012

I have my answer

First of all - thank you to everyone who responded - not just as comments to this blog but some Zonies, and some personal emails also.  Thank you.

So today I had a thyroid biopsy and was told not to do anything strenuous (so I couldn't have worked out even if I wanted to - which I didn't).  But before resting, I went to the gym to meet with the group trainer and also to weigh in (3 1/2 pounds this week thank you very much!) and to tell him my tale of woe and indecision. But - he beat me to it! 

He said he's been giving my situation a lot of thought and thinks that I am not getting what I need from the group exercises since they are so modified so that I can keep up - and all the up and down off the floor is what is hard on my knees, even though the exercises themselves might not be.  However, he wants me to stay part of the group (as do I).  Here is his solution:  He said he has some great programs that would benefit my knees tremendously but they have to be done one-on-one.  He is going to talk to the director of programs and see if it is okay with them if I work with him (free of charge) during the time he is on the floor anyway, but without clients.  I told him that I would love that, but that I also have 8 machine-trainer sessions paid for that maybe they would transfer over to him so he can be paid for 3 or 4 personal sessions instead. 

I have also decided to stay with the yoga but to tell the instructor before class to not bother modifying things for me.  I know exactly what I can and cannot do, and how to modify the poses myself AND that I expect to spend a good portion of the time just lying there to soak up the calming energy of the room.  I think some of the twisting (although it did not hurt to do it) is what did me in - so I am not going to do any of that from now on.  I think just not going home straight from work and taking the 5PM class is a good idea even if I really do just lie there.  It will relax me and set the tone for the rest of the evening.

I just feel that it is so "me" to drop out of everything, and I want things to be different this time! 

So I'm off to ice my neck - my knees will have to wait in line for the ice pack tonight!



  1. bravo that you are working with people who can understand your situation AND helping you change your MO. Gotta love divine intervention!

  2. Awesome weight loss! That's 44 pounds off your knees!! Woo hoo! You're figuring it out; it's just so frustrating sometimes. (BTW, posted today.)
