
If you are new to Total Knee Replacement recovery I suggest that you read from the bottom up (starting July 2011). As I get further into recovery it becomes more about the new ME rather than the new KNEE! I hope you enjoy this blog and I welcome all your comments!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

I don't know what to do

Anyone reading this blog - even if you have not commented before please PLEASE leave a comment with your opinion.

I am taking the Ultram for knee pain and I have to say I am blissfully pain-free.  HOWEVER, after my yoga class on Thursday, pain-free or not, I noticed the familiar swelling in my operated knee, which had finally subsided after months of discomfort and inability to bend my knee.  I know I am not damaging it, but I am not happy about the swelling.  Also, regarding the pain in the left knee, I would prefer that it naturally not be there. And I can finally lift my left arm.

So the question is this: You all know how hard I have been working, not only to lose weight and get in shape, but to become strong and "normal" again.  I was actually doing fine before starting at the gym.  So you know where this is going....  I hate to drop out of things - especially they are paid for and I do love the group support - but I am seriously thinking to scale back on everything, and just go for an easy 30 minutes a day on either the seated elliptical or the treadmill, augmented by light weights on the leg machines - because I DO need to build strength.

I can ask the doctors and the standard answer is: If it doesn't hurt do it.  (But they don't address the hurt AFTERWARD!)  So I am asking you all: Would you keep up with everything, since the instructors are kind and knowledgeable enough to adapt everything to my needs, or would you drop out of the groups and general circuit training and just stick with a moderate, personally-directed program.  I am just so thrilled to be moving, I think I can be happy with 30 minutes of "gentle" cardio (which is an oxymoron - because I'm not really getting cardio benefits), but I also know that there is something to be said for pushing myself. 

My husband is after me to scale back at the gym - but what does he know? lol What do you all think (via opinion or experience)?


  1. Miriam....you have to listen to your body. That being said, keep doing what feels right to you. The swelling could just be the after affect of moving your body in a way you were not doing before. I have not had my knee replaced but I have been scoped. The doc told me I would never do jazzercise again and to just ride a bike or swim. I am glad to say I did go back to jazzercise and understand my limitations. I do get some occasional swelling and deal with regular pain but it is not so bad that I would stop. I have had to learn to stretch more and give myself longer breaks between sessions. If you are seeing results AND you are happy (those good endorphins!) I would say keep doing it to the best of your ability. When it feels wrong take a break.

    The stretching and exercises you were given for your rehab should probably be part of your everyday life to help with ease of movement and discomfort.

    Keep smiling and don't hurt yourself.....but have fun and kick some butt!

  2. I don't think we can tell you what to do. You are the only one who knows your body. You need to feel good about what you are doing with it. I like what Elaine said - when it feels wrong.....

    1. Good points Jan and Elaine - I am not exactly asking for you to tell me what to do - I know I have to listen to my body - but I am looking for some experiences/opinions to tip the scales in favor of one or the other.
      I'm sorry to say that I have NOT been keeping up with my rehab stretches - and so that was a very good point, Elaine. So far I am planning to go tomorrow night - I think I have to eliminate the getting up and down from the floor - maybe he can adapt me to just standing or sitting exercises - or ALL floor!

  3. I know what to do because I am facing the same situation, and I hate the frustration of it all. In fact, this is what my next post will be about. I am having pain in my left knee and stiffness in my right knee that I now realize is the result of my bicycling. The symptoms have been so insidious that I did not recognize that I was developing a problem--I just attributed it to slow healing. On Friday, I finally made an appointment with my orthopod for 2 weeks from now, but in the meantime, spent time googling my problem and am feeling pretty certain about my diagnosis, but I am waiting for the official diagnosis before blogging. Also, I am doing a self study right now on sports injuries for my certification, and lo and behold, yesterday one of the articles was about my self diagnosis, and it backed up what I learned on the internet as far as diagnosis and treatment. So until I see the doctor, I am doing everything that was recommended except physical therapy--complete rest, cold numerous times/day, and NSAIDS. Already I have had a very significant improvement. 5 days of complete rest was recommended, so I am very frustrated about what I will do after that until I see the MD and get my PT Rx. I'm thinking that all leg machines are out, MAYBE 5 or 10 minutes on the stationary bike, probably just work on upper body and core. My problem is usually a runner's problem so bicycling is recommended to them to keep up their strength, but what do you do if the bicycle is the problem? (It's also a cyclist's problem, but I haven't seen what is recommended for them except swimming. I decided to make my appt when I hurt in the pool!)

    Give yourself a break--it hasn't even been a year yet. Do what you need to do to maintain and slowly improve. In my book, a physical therapist knows that best. Your trainer might be helpful if he knows you need to scale WAY back. I feel your pain and confusion.

  4. Oh, Miriam, I can "feel" your frustration. However, I think everyone has already given you wonderful advice, especially the last post from "washdayandfold" - did she not have double TKR? You've done well in the past in listening to your own body and making decisions that feel right to you so I have no doubt you will do the same this time, too. Keeping you in my prayers! xoxo
