
If you are new to Total Knee Replacement recovery I suggest that you read from the bottom up (starting July 2011). As I get further into recovery it becomes more about the new ME rather than the new KNEE! I hope you enjoy this blog and I welcome all your comments!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Three month anniversary

Well I made it!  Not much to add beyond the 13-week anniversary just a couple of days ago, but I have noticed a couple of things that have improved even since last week.  First of all, when I move my foot from the brake to the accelerator I don't have a huge tightness in my knee.  Up to now, I've tried only to move my foot and not my whole leg, but I noticed that moving my leg is comfortable now.  That's a huge thing, given how much driving I do.

The second thing that comes and goes in terms of being better (but it's better more often and longer than it was even a week ago) is the tightness in the muscle along side my leg.  That's the muscle that has been taking a pounding with the hot tub jets.  I have an electric hand-held deep massager - I should use that as well every day.  But alas, I'm not doing everything everyday...  I'm getting very complacent rather than compliant with my exercises.  I swore I wouldn't, but it's happening.  I always make sure I do my bending and stretching, but I'm not so good about all the other exercises.  I have, however, started taking the steps up and down "foot-over-foot" when I can.  There is NO way I can do it without a railing to unload some of the weight, but with a railing I can almost manage.

I'm still having just awful fatigue by the end of the day.  I am in dire need of a blood test (I canceled my annual physical which was scheduled only a few weeks after surgery) - I don't know whether I have any deficiencies (usually the worst for me is Vitamin D) or whether it's just doing more and resting less.

How many of us fat gals resist facing the music? (Picture me with my hand up.) I am always traveling on the cusp of "pre-diabetes" and I figure if I avoid the blood tests then I will avoid the disease.  Same for cholesterol.  Same for getting on the scale at the doctor's office.  Since I am on this new journey I think I have to just bite the bullet and reschedule my physical.  Not right away though.... lol

In the eating department I have been having a hard time (who doesn't?).  I am SO hungry on just the 1200 calories a day. I know that's pretty low so I am trying to adjust it to where it's just enough but I can still lose weight.  I don't want to use it as an excuse, but my body is still healing, and every thing I do requires a tremendous amount of effort, so I'm thinking even if I go up in calorie I will still lose weight.  I am also experimenting with "eat now pay later" and what I mean by that is that I am eating what is satisfying and THEN I look at the calorie count.  I think,ultimately, that is a great way to do this anyway, because it makes me tune into my body and it's needs, and not just shovel in food because it's there and I planned for it.

So, I guess this journey takes everything into account.... 
Have a good day with yours!



  1. Congratulations, Miriam, on reaching this mile-marker (in more ways than one!)! I finally caught up with your blog this evening, and I'm so glad I did! It takes someone who missed reading your blog for a couple of weeks to see how much you have transitioned to normal activities, and how far you have gotten in your PT assessment. I, too, agree that because you are doing so much more each day (i.e. running around, driving, etc), you are feeling the pain at night.

    On the topic of exercise, let me share with you how much I love my pool therapy which also has as its purpose to strengthen my legs. I have made it part of my weekly routine (3-4 times a week). Besides using the kickboard to do 1/2 mile of laps, I also do aqua aerobics. What's wonderful is I feel both physically energized and mentally relaxed after each session. I guess what I'm trying to say is if you find exercises that you actually enjoy, it won't seem so much like "work" to do them. Maybe you and your therapist can come up with more pool exercises as you also seem to enjoy the pool. Just a suggestion...

    As for a weight loss plan, I'm like you...still trying to find something that works for me! I lost a lot of weight a few years ago, and have essentially been maintaining since then. When I lost the weight, I was doing WW and walking regularly. For most of this summer, I neither counted calories nor points, but still maintained so I guess my way of eating has been ingrained in me. However, I need to LOSE not just maintain so obviously I need to shake things up to make it happen...so let me know what's working for you, Miriam. I will also check out myfitnesspal.com which both you and Karen have mentioned.

    Wishing you well as you continue your journey!


  2. Is 1200 cals per day the recommended amount for you? Are you taking into account your exercise? I think you should try to up it and see what happens. I do get hungry too but not starving.
