
If you are new to Total Knee Replacement recovery I suggest that you read from the bottom up (starting July 2011). As I get further into recovery it becomes more about the new ME rather than the new KNEE! I hope you enjoy this blog and I welcome all your comments!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Am I really exercising?

Well, after yesterday's PT session I realized that if I am ever going to walk again the way I used to, then I have to walk!  This morning after parking my car at work I took my cane and cell phone (both just for safety), and walked a 1/2 mile route.  I knew if I went to my office first I would NEVER do it!  I was just fine.  When I go tomorrow I will bring the phone, but ditch the cane!

Then at lunch I went to the pool, did my pool PT and stretches, then water walking a few laps in the big pool.  Tomorrow I am bringing my snorkel and goggles and I am going to get to work on REAL swimming.  I am going to limit myself to four laps.  Next week, if I wasn't in agony Saturday morning, I will extend it to six laps.  I am also considering signing up for a water aerobics class that meets at noon twice a week starting in September.

I just got up from my desk and I'm as stiff as heck... like you are after you've been exercising and then you rest and then you get up.  Hence, the title --- AM I REALLY EXERCISING???? lol

Now that I have started a brand-new journey with a brand-new body part ( ) I thought it would be a good idea to be accountable to myself to get down to a weight that won't crumble my cement! For months I have flubbed around with all the various incarnations of WW and also calorie counting, and ALSO following diets that require no counting. Because I have WW on-line right now, which does not support any old programs, but find for me that the Points Plus just isn't doin' it for me, I've made my own modifications. I am using the on-line tracker, BUT am using the quick-add function to add 1 point for fruits and any HUGE veggie serving (like if I made salad a main course, and I filled a 6-8 cup bowl with it).

For those of you familiar with WW you know what I'm talking about.  For those of you not familiar, it's a way of counting foods by points values instead of calories.  I took my weight this morning and from here on I'll add a little something about weight loss (I HOPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) along with my knee journey.

Okay --- so here's to moving well and eating well!

P.S.  I was asked yesterday (via a comment to yesterday's post) what can be done to load the leg.  Rather than send a personal response I added another comment to answer, so that everyone, who needs the answer, can see it!

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