
If you are new to Total Knee Replacement recovery I suggest that you read from the bottom up (starting July 2011). As I get further into recovery it becomes more about the new ME rather than the new KNEE! I hope you enjoy this blog and I welcome all your comments!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Exhausted but Happy....

OMG you would have thought I was in the throes of an orgasm. I rejoined the FitRec center where I work and as I lowered my body into the hot tub I was:  "OMG..OMG oh yes.... oh yes... ahh...OMG..." I had forgotten how much I love the hot tub with its strong jets, lovely seating, and hot HOT water.  I almost didn't make it - a truck was blocking me for more than 1/2 hour and I had just about given up but I had signed up that morning, and by hook or by crook I was going to get there.

I started with my water PT in the recreation pool - a nice warm pool that is about 5 feet at its deepest.  There are lanes for swimming on one half, and the other half is an open area with jacuzzi jets at the end.  What is nice is that there is ramp going into it (it's outfitted for use with wheel chairs) so although I used the stairs to get out it was nice to ease into it via the ramp. Following about 30 minutes of exercises I went to the hot tub for a full stretch.

There I did all my stretches, as well as the stair lunges that I cannot handle on land.  Being in the warm water eases my joint enough to do it without discomfort.  I also used the jets for massage - there is some muscle along the outside of my leg that is just so tight it won't budge except under the hands of my therapist. It was so painful - but so good.  I didn't do the massage as long as I would have liked because I don't want to beat up the muscle either -- I just want to loosen it a little bit.  When I next see my therapist I'll see what she says.

THEN - I went into the olympic pool (a little cooler than the recreation pool and truly olympic sized).  I did "cycling" and all my deep-water exercises, like scissors kicks, etc.  I used to swim a mile a day, but I didn't do any swimming today.  I'm still afraid of kicking, as every time I did it in my own pool I paid the piper the next day.  Maybe as I get stronger with my pool PT I will venture into swimming. 

The BEST part of it all was that went up the steps that are built into the side of the pool.  It takes more upper body strength than anything, as I have to pull myself out of the pool, but I didn't have any trouble at all.  I was so tempted to make a second trip to the hot tub after this, but headed for the showers instead.  It was so pleasurable that I had to talk myself into being careful.  I also am going to aim to do this only twice a week to start.  I tend to get very gung-ho about stuff like this, then I burn out something awful.  I won't let that happen this time. 

I'm happy that I renewed my membership.  The past couple of days I have just had this longing to get in their pool and I'm glad I saw it through.  The fitness equipment is fabulous and there is also a rubber track that will be so good for my knees if I want to start walking it.  I swear, I could spend 3 hours at a time at the gym if I let myself!  I already spend close to two just using the pool.

So anyway - exhausted but happy....


1 comment:

  1. Oh I am green with envy. I have the same reaction to hot tubs and haven't been able to use one in a long time!
