
If you are new to Total Knee Replacement recovery I suggest that you read from the bottom up (starting July 2011). As I get further into recovery it becomes more about the new ME rather than the new KNEE! I hope you enjoy this blog and I welcome all your comments!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Looking back a month

Yesterday, at my physical therapist's suggestion, I looked back to where I was a month ago.  If for nothing else, and if I write nothing else, this blog has served one of it's main purposes - to remind me of my daily victories along the way.  I looked back to July 3rd - I was only contemplating going in the pool, and wished I could go in some day soon.  I had decided that I still need crutches in the driveway because of the slight incline - and a cane was not safe enough for me.  July 4th I actually walked into the pool with all my clothes on because I had only planned to put my feet in ...  And all through the month I was still working out a Vicodan-Percocet-Tylenol schedule.  Oh my, I guess I HAVE made progress. 

Her point was not to be discouraged because a month from NOW I will be where I can't even imagine, and another month from then I will be even further along in my recovery. 

Today I was very careful about getting up often and walking around.  I even did my marching exercise up and down the hall when no one was looking. I also put my leg up during lunch. It resulted in a much better day overall, and a better commute.  I also did ALL my exercises before work, and I iced and elevated while I enjoyed my breakfast and coffee.  Oh - and I did something I have NEVER done - (really, you can believe me) I brought home a pizza because I decided I was just too pooped to make dinner! (I'm learning! lol)

I don't know what clicked.  Maybe it was going back and reading where I was a month ago.  I just got out of bed and decided that it was going to be a good day, and it was!

Signing off to head to bed - it was a full and a good day!



  1. I have to take issue with your statement: "I guess I HAVE made progress." Any one of us who has been following your blog can assure you that you've made a tremendous progress, Miriam! I'm amazed that you are back at work, and though it's a difficult transition period that you are in now, the point is you are back at work! I'm sure a month ago, you would not have entertained the thought of going back to work...but you've now made enough progress in your recovery to do so.

    Your entry today made me smile...you sound content and pleased with yourself, as you well should be....and you've ended your third day at work on such a positive note! Take care and have a relaxing weekend --- you've more than earned it!

  2. You have a wonderful and wise physical therapist. Thanks for sharing all her insights.

  3. What a great day you had! Well done.
