
If you are new to Total Knee Replacement recovery I suggest that you read from the bottom up (starting July 2011). As I get further into recovery it becomes more about the new ME rather than the new KNEE! I hope you enjoy this blog and I welcome all your comments!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Rain rain go away............

Boy  - I have been experiencing a double dip... my therapist warned me that I will have plenty of low days along the way... but the rainy damp weather we have been having here in Boston is NOT helpful toward steering away from the dips.  It's enough to make a girl want to move to Arizona!  But, I do have a "NSV" to report: We took the raised toilet seat out of the bathroom yesterday because we were having company that might have needed to spill into the extra bathroom.  I am almost thinking of telling my husband he doesn't need to put it back.  And, if he is going to put away the raised toilet seat, I suppose the shower seat can go as well.  Okay - that's what I will hold on to today while my knee is stiff and sore and aching.

My friend - over at her website: "New knees - the good, the bad and the ugly" (http://washdryandfold.blogspot.com) had a whole list of ponderings that she had at 4 1/2 months after surgery and is updating as time goes by.  It's funny how I am asking myself the EXACT same things, so it's so good for me to follow her progress and know what I may be in for - even though everyone's recovery is different.

The things she is pondering are the things that are making me sad and wondering about having had this done (no, I'm not doubting it... just wondering about it is all...) - and to see that she has the exact same questions - but is making slow but sure progress (and she had TWO knees done!), makes me feel better.  (No, not better that we are both "suffering" but that the problems are the same and if she is making progress it means I will too.)  Some of the things are: Will my knees always be stiff? (Different from arthritis stiff - which is what I noticed even in the hospital, but they are still stiff in a post-operative way.)  Will I be able to descent stairs without pain or stop listing to one side? (That reminds me - I have to call the doctor tomorrow - I may need a small lift in my non-operated leg's shoe - my legs are bowed, and he straightened out the one leg with the knee replacement, making it longer than the other, that remains slightly bowed.)  When will I have more stamina and strength (OMG .... was I JUST talking about the fatigue I have with everything I do???)?  But the one that I had to laugh at, and which I totally share: Will I ever be able to stand up from a sitting position and immediately start walking?  When I get up with the intention of walking I have to stand there for a minute while my mind sends the message to my legs to MOVE.  It's just so odd how walking doesn't happen the minute you get up to do it!

Anyway - THANK YOU Miss. Wash-dry-and-fold!  And you sort of made the point of my blog too - I wrote this so other people would have something to compare their own experiences to, as well as to be able to look back myself and compare one date's experience against another date's progress.

So as I noted in an earlier blog this whole "new me" thing includes dieting.  Has anyone heard of (or seen on PBS) Dr. Joel Fuhrman and his "Eat to Live" diet?  It is heavily vegetarian even though there is a non-vegetarian option (which allows animal protein just twice a week).  I'm cycling through WW, counting calories, and this.  I'm leaning towards "Eat to Live" - for me it is a very natural way of eating, and cutting out a lot of fats, animal protein, and processed foods is cutting down on my cravings.  I am not willing to do the animal protein only twice a week, though, but am comfortable with one small serving once a day.  I still like South Beach a lot - but not phase 1 with no fruit.  I think the trick is to do what the physical therapists are begging me to do with my exercises: LISTEN TO MY BODY.  TRUST MYSELF.  Do you think I can do it with eating too????  That would be a nice complete healthy picture!

Anyhoo - if anyone has tried "Eat to Live" please let me know!


1 comment:

  1. I really like South Beach as well. While I am officially counting calories I am eating very "south beachish". Low carbs and low fat.
