
If you are new to Total Knee Replacement recovery I suggest that you read from the bottom up (starting July 2011). As I get further into recovery it becomes more about the new ME rather than the new KNEE! I hope you enjoy this blog and I welcome all your comments!

Monday, March 3, 2014

Stepping Stones

Well after a short hiatus from this blog it is time to return.  I had a "good time" at DWLZ joining a group in January doing the Whole 30, sharing recipes and experiences, but I am ready to return here.

The past two years have all been in preparation for where I find myself at this very minute.  I am not going to beat myself up that I did not arrive here sooner - I wasn't ready.  And besides, I had to learn about everything else: from the inner deepest depths of my evolution out of childhood issues to learning about Paleo, Primal, and anti-inflammatory eating.

I have become a patient at a new medical practice, Visions Health Care,  and am working with doctors who practice functional medicine.  I was first introduced to functional medicine about a year ago, and that slowly led me on the path to where I am now.

I have been sugar-free and gluten-free since last May and November, respectively.  And now that my doctor has run dozens and dozens of blood tests (only a few which I have seen so far - they are still coming in, and many I will get at my follow-up appointments in April) I am ready to cut many more things out of my diet. The initial test results show that I have a very high level of inflammation in my body (which accounts not just for the usual arthritis issues, but also has been linked to heart disease - something for which I am not immune) and am going to start to take steps toward reversing that.

I also had a food sensitivity panel done (which will not be available until April) but given the level of inflammation in my body, it is a safe bet to say that there will be many culprits on the list.  Visions Health Care is a very strong proponent of gluten-free eating, as they have seen many diseases and conditions that stem from eating wheat.  I am so grateful that I have already eliminated any sources of gluten from my diet so that is one less hurdle for me. 

But eating gluten-free is only one of all the puzzle pieces that I have to put together to reduce the inflammation in my body.  There are SO many other things that I have to learn and practice and DO. It isn't one food group to eat or to avoid.  It isn't one supplement that will take care of everything.  It isn't one of anything that is going to reverse this.  But I am so grateful that I have an open mind and a willing spirit to find out what needs to be done, then do it.  

I absolutely refuse to give into the pain and the fatigue and the looming threat of illnesses.  I refuse to live my life with a cabinet full of pharmaceuticals.  I refuse to stay with a conventional medical practice that has the "oh well" or "wait and see" attitude.  

I also refuse to be scared to try new things and to be obstinate about new ways of eating.  I will do what I have to do.  

I choose health. I choose to do it the way it is prescribed for me, knowing that it is not everyone's path, but it is mine.  



  1. I am with you, Miriam, on not wanting to rely on prescription drugs. I think you're making great decisions regarding your health! I also need to research functional medicine to see who practices it in my area as I believe it is a more natural approach to discovering how to become and remain healthy!

  2. So proud of you and love your commitment (as opposed to being committed!!) I will be right by your side during this venture!!
