
If you are new to Total Knee Replacement recovery I suggest that you read from the bottom up (starting July 2011). As I get further into recovery it becomes more about the new ME rather than the new KNEE! I hope you enjoy this blog and I welcome all your comments!

Friday, March 7, 2014

Pity Party: BE GONE!

Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.
- M. Kathleen Casey

I was just so blue yesterday... probably many other things going on than just being sad that I have to accept so many changes in my life.  I almost even came back in and deleted the post (but I fell asleep thinking about it) when I thought of my friend in NY who has accepted and given up so much more in her life than I ever will have to.  But I was reminded, too, of something a friend - who is in a wheelchair following a horrific accident that killed her fiance many years ago - said to me:  "My pain is my pain and your pain is your pain.  It is not a competition.  You don't have to have tremendous suffering compared to someone else to feel that you aren't entitled to your experience."  However, I then think of my father's favorite saying: "I used to complain that I had no shoes until I saw a man who had no feet."  So I guess, taking both views into account, I can find middle ground.  Yes: I'm blue, I'm feeling sorry for myself, I'm grieving and angry... but I'll get over it!

Pity party be gone!  Let's see what I CAN eat.  Well, almost anything, really!  There.  That feels better!  A friend asked me yesterday what I miss the most about having taken the gluten-free, then Paleo path.  I had to answer, sincerely, NOTHING.  If I really wanted to, I could bake plenty - cookies, breads, sweets - anything can be "paleotized".  I just am not doing that because I don't see the point of substituting one high calorie item for another high calorie item.  However, if I really have a craving for something, it can be done.  I also noted that after my food sensitivity tests are back and I meet with the dietitian I might be inclined to add some things back.  I know, however, that gluten-free is for life.  On the other hand, I do not suffer immediately when I do eat something with gluten, so there is room for having something of that nature without beating myself up over it.

I had the most unusual breakfast today and I loved it so much I can't wait to have it again and again.  I had chopped liver wrapped in Paleo wraps with lettuce. I also had my daily 1/2 avocado on the side and some fruit.  If you had told me - even last week - that this would be a favorite breakfast I would have said you are NUTS!  I was a little hungrier than usual afterwards because it did not have the fiber of my breakfast muffins, but an apple took care of that.  I might have two wraps tomorrow.  The extra protein will more than help hold me over.  Then I can halve my muffin and make that a mind-morning snack instead of my full breakfast.  

I might get the hang of this after all, without the need to color me BLUE!

Meanwhile I made my husband a shopping list with all the veggies you see on the wallpaper of this blog.  He goes to a great farm to get everything.  I usually enjoy the trip with him but I have a full day tomorrow with a dress rehearsal for my dance troupe (we have a performance on Tuesday!) and I would like the veggies in the house before Sunday, which is the other day that I would have gone shopping.  I took yesterday's post to heart and this morning before leaving for work I took out a couple of my (new) favorite cookbooks and noticed how exhilarated I was just looking through recipes and thinking about what to cook.  With hubby's trip to the farm I'll have everything I need - but I won't necessarily have to use everything right away.  (With the farm fresh quality, produce lasts for more than a week even without preservatives.)  Somehow it is comforting just to have the ability to cook to my heart's content even if I don't.  

Anyway... have a great weekend.  I tend not to blog on the weekends because I prefer to do it from my office desk, even though I have the same computing abilities at home.  I will see you Monday!


1 comment:

  1. I think the length of any pity party we experience is directly proportionate to how we see our lives - half full or half empty! I'm glad to see that you are seeing all the possibilities with your "new" way of eating! Of course it helps that you are so creative in the kitchen especially with new food items - lucky you! I have had quinoa in my pantry forever - lots of it - and I've had only made one dish with it! Sad, isn't it?! Being more creative in the kitchen is something I really need to work on!
