
If you are new to Total Knee Replacement recovery I suggest that you read from the bottom up (starting July 2011). As I get further into recovery it becomes more about the new ME rather than the new KNEE! I hope you enjoy this blog and I welcome all your comments!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

LAST day and on to a NEW START

Well I made it ... almost perfectly.  I told the dietician today that the worst day (ending up in a binge) was the day I transitioned from 2 scoops x 3 to 1 scoop x 2.  I told her it was the first time in three weeks that I was hungry and when I walked through the door at night I hit the kitchen and didn't leave until it was bedtime.  She is going to do some research on the available protein shakes and recommend one for me to have as my afternoon snack on the way home from work.  Just getting rid of that afternoon hunger will work wonders.

So we got started on real eating today.  It was only a half-hour meeting so we didn't go into depth (I have a 2 1-hour meetings coming up and we will go into more depth).  The highlight of it is to count carbs for starchy vegetables, fruits, and any non-gluten grains that I might eat.  20g for each meal and 10g for each snack.  Of everything I have ever counted in  my life carbs has not been one of them so it something totally new for me.  Also fruits are limited to two a day, and the carbs are so limited all in an effort to get my glucose lower.  It was 112 at last testing and the doctor said they look for 75 (yikes! I have never seen that number!).  She said it would also be great to have at least 18g protein at each meal.

I am also going to experiment bringing the following into my eating: eggs (YAY!), beef, pork and cashews.  The dairy she wants to put off for at least another 60-90 days.  Surprisingly enough I am not sensitive to ALL cow's milk dairy.  I can handle Swiss cheese of all things.  She said that in addition to the dairy sensitivity that I do have that dairy causes inflammation.  On the way home I shopped for goat cheese, sheep's milk pecorino and organic cheddar.  I am not going to go overboard on any of them but a little bit goes a long way just a small addition to a salad.  Alas, my cappuccinos must wait BUT she told me of a way to make a latte that I am going to try. Oh - I bought an egg replacement powder that I am going to use with my morning muffins.  If it works well I actually won't be in any rush to add bak the eggs.  AND I can use ghee as long as it is casein free - got that too.

I was concerned that I would have to count carbs in green vegetables but I don't so that will make cooking easy and I can get back to my creative Paleo ways.

So all in all, a good experiene.  My goal was to blog throughout the detox and I have and now I am going to take a break while I figure things out.  I will be back periodically to update my experience (maybe) - thank you for thoseo who have followed along up to now and for offering your encouragement.

Thank you!


  1. I keep checking back to see how you're doing; I found you when contemplating knee replacement then saw you were dong the Elimination Detox Protocol. We're been on parallel journeys as I'm just finishing the Repair phase of the diet. Please check in so we can learn the 'rest of the story'.

    Ellen in Portsmouth, VA

  2. Your blog is very useful for me.I really like you post.Thanks for sharing.

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