
If you are new to Total Knee Replacement recovery I suggest that you read from the bottom up (starting July 2011). As I get further into recovery it becomes more about the new ME rather than the new KNEE! I hope you enjoy this blog and I welcome all your comments!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Day 22

I had a FABULOUS visit this morning with my new primary care – she went over all my results and OMG… so much going on.

I think the most important thing is that she is giving my thyroid medication that I will start tomorrow.  Even though the numbers are in the “normal” range and that is why the endocrinologist said everything is fine, in fact, the number is NOT fine.  She will retest that in a couple of months.  Then she definitively diagnosed metabolic syndrome which is why my glucose, insulin, adrenals, etc. are all out of whack.  She did prescribe supplements for that and when I am retested again for the thyroid hopefully she will find that maybe that all sorted itself out.  ALL of this is why I am so weight loss resistant – and even though I won’t be dropping gobs of weight, straightening out all these numbers will have a big effect.

The most worrisome part of the testing was the particle size of my LDL which are small and dense – the kind that burrow into the arteries and are very dangerous.  HOWEVER, she said that this can be changed, but movement is the most important fact to do so.  I am glad I got my Fitbit and starting TODAY I am going to institute a serious and dedicated walking program and go back to using my bike daily.  No fooling around.  All these years I said I needed some sort of wake-up call – I have known these numbers and facts for ages – I think the difference is that she believes in me and believes I CAN turn things around.  (So much for the “oh well” attitude I have had all these years.)  I feel energized and excited to make a change. 

In terms of turning things around she believes that EVERYTHING can be turned around – even my autoimmune issues (Hashimotos).  My autoimmune antibodies which should be under 1 are in the thousands – so lots of room to improve there! 

She is doing two more tests that involve macro-nutrients.  One was a blood test and one is a stool sample (yikes – sending poop through the mail… will wonders never cease??).  One is partially covered by insurance, one is not, but I told her that I want to go all the way with this, so I am not going to argue (at this point at least) about the cost.  Well worth it if I can bring down my blood glucose, reverse my Hashimotos, get off the new thyroid medication, and change the dangerous size of my LDL.. wouldn’t you say? LOL

Anyway – I have to read all the material I have and absorb it some more, but I am very excited.

I have the appointment with the dietitian on Tuesday.  Turns out that one of the ingredients in the shake is something that turned up on my food sensitivity list, so she said that might be what was causing the constipation problems I was having – everything should have been smooth sailing (so to speak) during the detox and it wasn’t.  I am going to be about 2 days short on the shakes but I did not pick up another container.  If there is something in there I shouldn’t have then I don’t want to be stuck with another big bottle of it.  I will continue to eat the way I am supposed to but won’t do the shakes the last couple of days. 

I am so excited – can you tell?????



  1. Great news, Miriam! You are now getting some REAL answers to the problems you've had and some REAL solutions to go along with them! This is an incredible journey you've taken on - filled with enlightening discoveries! I'm excited for you, too! :)

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