
If you are new to Total Knee Replacement recovery I suggest that you read from the bottom up (starting July 2011). As I get further into recovery it becomes more about the new ME rather than the new KNEE! I hope you enjoy this blog and I welcome all your comments!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Having to find some variety

The only thing I am having some difficulty with is finding something to eat when I just want a "little something."  Mostly I am not hungry at night (as the proteins and fats really fill me up from dinner) but I know that sometimes if I go to bed without eating I will get up during the night.  Sometimes nuts or an egg just won't do it - I WANT TOAST! lol 

I am spending this afternoon going through a couple of cookbooks to find snack-y things for when I need a really small meal but not a meal.  I do make a really nice mixture of 1 TBS flaked coconut, 1 TBS pistachio nut "meats" and 1 TBS of Macadamia nuts and maybe 1 TBS of raisins.  It is a tiny amount, but very filling.  However, I would like a few other go-to choices for the evening. 

In addition to giving my kitchen a work-over (it's really not a make-over because I am not doing anything to it structurally - at least not until I get my new counter) I also brought up my mother's china cabinet that I have had down the basement since my knee surgery in May 2011.  It is so incredibly beautiful (and completes the dining set that I have of hers) and I put in my dishes, which I love to pieces. 

So anyway, taking the dishes out of a storage cabinet allowed me now to move all my small appliances over to where the dishes were.  Then, moving around some cans to a further-away cabinet, I was able to put my spices nearer to the stove:

So all in all, a productive few days!

Anyway - off to make my grocery list!


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