
If you are new to Total Knee Replacement recovery I suggest that you read from the bottom up (starting July 2011). As I get further into recovery it becomes more about the new ME rather than the new KNEE! I hope you enjoy this blog and I welcome all your comments!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Back in Business

Thanks to Sandy at "New knees- the good, the bad, and the ugly!" for reminding me that I haven't posted for a while. My work crunch has subsided and it was my intention to start reposting on Monday - but it was nice to get the nudge this morning!   First, congratulations to her for reaching her 1-year anniversary.  Anyone who has had a knee replacement, or is considering one, PLEASE bookmark her site!   I, myself just had my 6-month anniversary.

I still have the tightness and swelling, but I knew going in to this that 6 months would only mark the 1/2-way point.  After reading Sandy's blog I realize that might be too over ambitious, and that indeed, six months might only be the 1/3-way point.  That's good to acknowledge, though, because it takes the edge off the disappointment.  Anyway, when going in for my check-up I decided that I was going to feel any way the doctor reacted to my progress.  In other words, although I am miserably disappointed that this is "only" how far I've come, if he's thrilled and happy about my progress I will be too.  Needless to say - he was thrilled and happy.  So I had to let a lot of my expectations and feelings go, and be grateful for being just where I am.

I have started to use the stairs at work instead of the elevator - just tackling one flight at a time up and down, step over step, several times a day.  My inclination is to hold on both sides, but now I'm holding on to just one side, and even at that, I practice not holding on at all.  That's a big deal, believe me!  I let everything else slide (the swimming and the stretching) because of that awful setback I had, but am now going to pick up on walking.  The doctor was absolutely impressed that I could walk 1 - 1.5 miles without resting.  He said to stick with just one mile for a while so as to not have another set-back.  (That old teetering on the line between what is just enough to make progress, and what is too much that will result in a setback.)

In terms of dieting - that has been going well, I am happy to report.  A chat friend and I have started Linda Spangle's "100 Days of Weight Loss" - two of my "followers" here also are doing that - and it's nice to have support with that.  It's not a diet - it's a way to help with any eating plan you are doing.  It's been quite helpful and I haven't missed a day yet (granted I'm only on day 14... lol).

So - back in the saddle!  Exercise and diet. 


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