
If you are new to Total Knee Replacement recovery I suggest that you read from the bottom up (starting July 2011). As I get further into recovery it becomes more about the new ME rather than the new KNEE! I hope you enjoy this blog and I welcome all your comments!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Good Saturday afternoon

I've had a couple of tough days with BOTH knees.  First of all, on Wednesday night I had to take out the ice and ice before bed - which I haven't done in ages.  The knee remained swollen on Thursday.  When I went to physical therapy I was telling her that I can't imagine what I did to it - and her answer was "Do you know how rainy it's been?"  So I guess even with a new joint I'm going to be sensitive to changes in the weather (which they told me months ago but didn't know I would have the swelling too!) for a long while.

My husband came to PT and learned how to do the stretch outs for my quads.  He learned two different ones that work on different areas - something I cannot do on or to myself.  I'm so grateful that his attentiveness to my needs has continued way beyond the acute recovery stage.  I am very lucky! 

The other reason I think my knees are bothering me is that I have been thinking for a long time that I am sensitive to sugar and that it is an inflammatory in my body that affects all my joints, but particularly my knees.  The connection was made this week because after the funeral I went to my cousin's house and of course there was a huge spread of every pastry, cake, and cookie imaginable.  I ate them.  Then a day later I went back to her house - to face the same spread but all new things.  I ate them.  I really OD'd on sugar which I haven't done in a long time.  It's also been a long time since BOTH knees hurt so much.  (Okay some of it could have been the rain, but I know the sugar played some part. 

In my healthier way of eating (all of about five days not including the sugar OD) I have been feeling much better sticking mostly to fruits, legumes and vegetables.  So, I'm trying to pay more attention to what I'm eating - not just how much.  I know from being a career dieter that processed sugars and flours (read: candies, cookies, cakes, pastries, etc.) send me in a downward spiral.  I am one of those people who CANNOT have just a bite, or eat in moderation.  I have always been most successful when I have cut these foods out of my eating plans.  Now that I see that it also affects the pain level in my knees, it's all the more reason to pay attention.

Back to the knees, got the confirmation that the knee will be tight and somewhat swollen for a LONG time to come... that's why they give it a year before you can say you are really yourself.  I also learned a new way to walk - the worst of it has been my fear that I am going to fall because my knee still "buckles."  The therapist demonstrated the difference between leading with your head (and maybe looking down), and leading with your chest.  I changed my posture several times, paid very close attention to my knees, and could absolutely feel a difference in them.  It's this difference that causes the buckling, and if I am very conscious of walking upright I should greatly reduce any chance of buckling and falling. 

Going over later today to decorate my mom's new room in the Alzheimer's unit (they are moving her in on Monday).  With the new resolve to just stay sugar free and no other "rules" than that, I should ward off a lot of damage that I usually do with emotional eating.  After all... pizza crust has  sugar (never mind the flour!) and so does the sauce! And even fast food fries are brushed with dextrose when they come from the warehouse.  The breading on onion rings has flour AND sugar...  lol... I could go on...

Have a good weekend.


1 comment:

  1. I had no idea that they put dextrose on fast food fries.

    I hope the swelling gets under control soon.
