
If you are new to Total Knee Replacement recovery I suggest that you read from the bottom up (starting July 2011). As I get further into recovery it becomes more about the new ME rather than the new KNEE! I hope you enjoy this blog and I welcome all your comments!

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Wow - Coming to things on my own

"Reversing Diabetes starts with Ignoring the Guidelines"

I wish I could have inserted the PICTURE of the YouTube video but I am not that savvy - I am lucky if the link works. LOL

Where do I begin?  First of all I do have metabolic syndrome which means a lot of things including insulin resistance and pre-diabetes.  Most of my attempts to lose weight were coming from an everything in moderation standpoint.  What this means is, even if I had been able to lose weight all these years, I would have had my pre-diabetes and metabolic syndrome under control but they would have been under the surface as long as I was not appreciatively cutting back on my carbohydrate intake.

I cut way back on carbohydrates by adhering to the Paleo/Primal template but tubers are still allowed as well as other starchy vegetables.  When I speak of carbohydrates I am talking about (processed) grains, starches, sugars, etc. - not the carbohydrates that are in fruits and vegetables.  A no-carb diet would mean eating only protein and fat (since there are only three macro-nutrients: protein, fat and carbohydrate) and I hope no one would ever do that!  (As a matter of fact let me mention here, many people are not sensitive to carbs.  When I present my journey here I am speaking for myself and MY needs.)

From here I am going to go that extra step and cut out starchy veggies and going back on what I said yesterday about being able to control processed foods with traces of sugar (like catchup). I am going back to my original "absolutely no added sugars" stance that I had last year and did very well with.  The way I look at this, I originally cut out all sugar because I wanted to eliminate all cravings for it.  But just because I can control cravings even having these small amounts of added sugars, the issue is what it does to MY (blood) sugar.  

I was thinking this morning - why didn't any doctors or nutritionists hit me over the head with the concept of low-carb eating?  Well, first of all, except for my new health practice, none of my doctors or dieticians I have worked with are aware of the new science.  They still all recommend low-fat eating thinking that FAT is the culprit, and the removal of which is the savior of weight loss.  Second, my new doctors and nutritionists may have tried to put me on that road but I wouldn't have listened.  Both nutritionists have been extremely supportive of the Paleo template and both have given me pretty strict carb-limits.  But I never quite heard it presented quite like in that Ted talk above.  

And, even if I had, I would not have listened or cared - so ultimately I am not finding fault with any of the health care professionals I have dealt with over the years.  I had to find my own way and my own motivation.  

Anyway this is the first morning I am not having my cappuccino.  I miss it.  I think, though, that I will not miss the nausea that always accompanies it.  (I have tried substitute milks but they just aren't the same....) The thing to learn is to not just take something away but to replace it.  I am going to try out various teas to find something to hit the spot.  Right now I am having "Bullet-Proof" Chocolate tea.  It smells like when you drive through Hershey Pennsylvania!  But it doesn't quite do the trick.  Tomorrow I will try something else.  Maybe I will just evolve into having NOTHING in the morning - or maybe just a nice sparkling water.

Well yesterday was a successful low-carb day and I woke up this morning feeling better than I have in a long time.  I am looking forward to my pasture-raised chicken and salad for lunch today!


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