
If you are new to Total Knee Replacement recovery I suggest that you read from the bottom up (starting July 2011). As I get further into recovery it becomes more about the new ME rather than the new KNEE! I hope you enjoy this blog and I welcome all your comments!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Going round and round

I had been feeling very blue as of late because I was thinking I am NEVER going to get this.  For all the work I'm doing on Intuitive Eating I am not losing weight.  Then I jump back to WWPP and gain weight. I really had to take a step back (I don't think I've blogged since my stuffed turkey episode before Thanksgiving! lol) and figure out what I want for myself.  I want the "meld" that I've been talking about, but I am just not ready to do it without boundaries. 

Counting Points is not the boundary I am looking for.  IE has NO boundaries (well, yes it does but they are more ethereal-type boundaries - something I am not ready for yet), so what's a girl to do?   How can I kick the whole trust and meld concepts into gear without continuing to gain weight?  In my opinion, following the South Beach way of eating or the Simply Filling Technique gives the boundaries I am looking for without going all crazy with food-category eliminations while allowing me to live the 9 other principles of Intuitive Eating (although since SB and SF claim to be lifestyles and not diets I can almost squeak by saying I am complying with Principle #1: get rid of the diet mentality) ... I think I've come full circle, because at the very early stages of this blog I spent a lot of time talking about South Beach, Simply Filling, TRUST, etc.  What I was missing was the IE part of the puzzle - which is stopping when full, eating when hungry, allowing eating for pleasure, etc. 

I think another problem I was having was the fear of having to diet all my life.  With IE this is supposed to be removed from the equation because if you learn to eat like a normal person, not a dieter, then this will not be a problem.  With something along the lines of SB or SF then it is very much in keeping with being a normal eater.  I think these are the boundaries I need (at least right now).

I think the meld I should be looking for is not between WW and IE, but rather a meld of all the good healthy ways of eating.  OMG I know how to eat healthy - I do not need a program - any program.  The only question is - am I ready? can I do it?  I KNOW HOW TO DO IT!!!!!!!  but WILL I? 

So far so good today... but it's only noon! lol....  I don't know whether to journal my food or just take it meal-by-meal, making good choices all along.  Back to baby steps... 



  1. Miriam, journaling your food whether you "diet" or not is a wise thing to do. I found this article very interesting.


    Good luck with whatever you do next. I can just say that for myself, I can never "eat like a normal person", because I am not that normal person. So if I need to track calories, or points, or whatever, forever - it is really no big deal. That is just "my normal".

  2. Good article, Flo! I have just returned to WW e-tools, and I do feel it is helping me stay "accountable". I just don't do well when I stop blogging/tracking my food and exercise. I'm happy to be back to doing both...just makes me feel I'm more in control.

    Miriam, since you truly dislike counting points, Simply Filling might well be the way to go. I'm not that familiar with South Beach but I think it's a cross between SF and PP - am I right? In any case, neither one requires that one count points/calories. The important thing is to do what works best for each of us.
