
If you are new to Total Knee Replacement recovery I suggest that you read from the bottom up (starting July 2011). As I get further into recovery it becomes more about the new ME rather than the new KNEE! I hope you enjoy this blog and I welcome all your comments!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Having Fun making my menu

I have been doing a lot of hard work and introspection working on my Intuitive Eating journey but I just finished a fun project.  I had to list all my favorite foods (well there are too many to list!) that I would like to have for my meals.  I found that, even though I am giving myself permission to eat anything, when I made my menu it was all healthy anyway!  What a surprise. I found that I am extremely content with my breakfast and lunch menus and don't need any other variety than that, but that I love to try new recipes so the dinner menu will always be changing.  But the biggest thing I learned with this exercise is, that for me, there is a big difference between a snack and a treat.  In separating the two I bring awareness to whether I am eating from hunger (snack) or whether I'm eating "just because."  If I allow myself the "just because" treats once in a while (or even every day!) then I think I will cut down on the snacking and eating at night, because sometimes it is just about the food!

 Here's my menu:

Miriam’s “current choice” MENU
(Dinner selections, especially, subject to change and augmentation based on latest favorite recipes!)
Breakfast Selections
·        Choice of Fresh Fruit or Melon
·        Wasa crackers with Lite Laughing Cow cheese topped with fresh cucumbers and tomatoes
·        Lite Feta cheese rolled with fresh mint and cucumbers
on fresh pita bread
·        Whole wheat bagel with natural peanut butter                        topped with fruit spread
·        Hearty soup or stew with cheese and whole wheat bread
·        Small portion of soup (without cheese or bread) as a side
·        Tosca Reno’s carrot bread spread with Lite Laughing Cow Cheese
·        2 egg omlette with fresh vegetables: onions, peppers, mushrooms and spinach with lite mozzarella cheese
·        Egg salad made with lite mayo, served with whole wheat toast or in a sandwich with Spring lettuce mix
·        Breakfast casserole made with eggs, whole grain bread, onions, mushrooms, spinach and topped with lite mozzarella cheese and turkey sausage
Lunch Selections
·       One slice fresh pizza (any kind) with a small side salad
·       Large salad (dressed with olive oil and seasoned rice vinegar) served with grilled chicken, steak or salmon
·       Various “mayo” salads: Tuna, seafood, salmon or chicken made with lite mayo, chopped vegetables and sugar-free relish (served with or without whole wheat bread). Served with a side of sliced fresh vegetables: carrots, celery, multi-colored peppers, cherry tomatoes
·       “Volumetrics” Asian chicken salad
·       Homemade soup (side portion)
·       Choice of fresh fruit or melon
·       Choice of small lite popcorn or individual bag of Veggie chips or straws
Dinner Selections
·        Steamed fresh vegetables

·        Creative Pilafs with quinoa, couscous or brown rice                       
·        Grilled or baked potatoes, sweet potatoes, or purple potatoes

·        Salad with raisins, walnuts, lite feta cheese and tossed with olive oil and seasoned rice vinegar
·        Grilled pork tenderloin
·        Roast or grilled chicken
·        Grilled shrimp
·        Grilled or baked salmon or other fresh seasonal fish
·        Lentil or other assorted stews with melted cheese and toasted whole grain breads

·        “Volumentrics” Spaghetti Bolognaise (with or without whole wheat spaghetti or other pasta)
·        “Emily Bites” Lasagna
·        “Hungry Girl” Bacon cheeseburger casserole
·        “Hungry Girl” Inside out cheeseburger, grilled
Snack Selections
(to be eaten when hungry)
·        Fruit
·        Popcorn
·        Peanut butter crackers
·        Soup/stew (small portion)
·        Sliced lite deli (turkey, ham, roast beef) with or without a wrap
·        Oatmeal

Treat Selections
(for no other reason than I want it!)
·        Sherbert – specifically Friendly’s “Wattamelon” Roll
·        REAL ice cream cone
·        (to be added)

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